Today I felt like quitting the Fish Business


New Member
Feb 7, 2004
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Dallas, TX
Im already fighting ICK in my quarantine tank.

Well i get home from work, and look into my 150g, and low and behold i have ick in there too!

I dont understand it, im fighting a mild case of fin rot already, and the ick in the quarantine tank! now i have to fight ick and fin rot. One of my loaches is on his death bed, he cant even control his swimming, now half of my other fish are infected with ICK. Im so depressed. This has to be the worst day in my 10 yrs of fishkeeping. Wasnt the point of the quarantine tank, to stop things like this happening?!?!

I just sit and stare at my 150 and ask WHY!?.

Why does Ick have to exist?

Im done ranting.

I turned the temp up to 90 degrees in my quarantine tank and am treating with RID-ICH.

Now i have turned the temp up to 85 degrees in my 150G and have started treating with RID ICH along with the Mela Fix i have alrdy been treating it with.

My jumbo bottles of rid ich and mela fix are emptying out quick. Time to go buy more.

God Please Treat My Fish!
Sorry Glostick :/ .It will go away soon and you can forget all about it ;) Best of luck!!
Glostik, I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. Best of luck with the meds! Please let us know how it is going.


I'll be thinking about you. :)
One clown loach has passed on.

Another 2 look like they are about to bite it =\ =\ =\.

I dont know what happened.

All i have done lately is a water change and treatement with melafix and rid-ich.

And the only difference between this water change and the others is that i used Tetra Aqua Safe instead of Stress Zyme.

My ammonia is 0.

My nitrates are 5.

Its a sad thing yes, but I also have a quarantine tank and I expect thats where ich will turn up as thats its job.... the quarantine tank that is.

Interesting how its turned up in your 150gal tank tho? Is there anything in common between the two tanks that could be stressing both lots of fish? I assume you've not recently transfered any fish over.
Sorry to hear about this. :/ I hope you get the disease under control.

Oh, byt the way, something Stryker's question reminded me of. You do use different equipment for the quarantine and the main tank, don't you? For example different tubing for water changes? Sorry if I'm stating the obvious, but thought it'd be best to check.
By any chance did your pH level change significantly when you water changed? Many fish adapt pretty well to sudden pH changes; sadly, loaches are not among these. I learned this the hard way. :sad:

This may be stating the obvious, but did you remember to tke out the charcoal? I have treated before and forgotten to take out the charcoal...
Fin-rot is bacterial, Ich is parasitic. Under normal conditions, a fishes immune system will hold both in check. Something is obviously stressing the immune system. You need to find out what that is. Pumping chemicals in will clear up symptoms and a localised outbreak, but if you have an unknown stress factor, it will surface again and again.

You have zero ammonia - that is as it should be. You don't give nitrite, which should also be zero. Nitrate down at the 5 level is very low.

Temperature fluctuations, pH swings?
I dont use the same equipment.

The temperature hasnt fluctuated at all that I have noticed. I have 2 Ebo Jager 250W heaters in there, they keep the temperature pretty constant. My PH is pretty consitent at 7.5/7.6 last time i tested. Unless my water company changed something in the water.

I had 8 loaches. Now I have 5. The last 5 seem to be doing fine. I dont notice the same symptoms in these 5 that i noticed in the 3 that passed on.

I dont know what else could be causing the stress.

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