New Member
Im already fighting ICK in my quarantine tank.
Well i get home from work, and look into my 150g, and low and behold i have ick in there too!
I dont understand it, im fighting a mild case of fin rot already, and the ick in the quarantine tank! now i have to fight ick and fin rot. One of my loaches is on his death bed, he cant even control his swimming, now half of my other fish are infected with ICK. Im so depressed. This has to be the worst day in my 10 yrs of fishkeeping. Wasnt the point of the quarantine tank, to stop things like this happening?!?!
I just sit and stare at my 150 and ask WHY!?.
Why does Ick have to exist?
Im done ranting.
I turned the temp up to 90 degrees in my quarantine tank and am treating with RID-ICH.
Now i have turned the temp up to 85 degrees in my 150G and have started treating with RID ICH along with the Mela Fix i have alrdy been treating it with.
My jumbo bottles of rid ich and mela fix are emptying out quick. Time to go buy more.
God Please Treat My Fish!
Well i get home from work, and look into my 150g, and low and behold i have ick in there too!
I dont understand it, im fighting a mild case of fin rot already, and the ick in the quarantine tank! now i have to fight ick and fin rot. One of my loaches is on his death bed, he cant even control his swimming, now half of my other fish are infected with ICK. Im so depressed. This has to be the worst day in my 10 yrs of fishkeeping. Wasnt the point of the quarantine tank, to stop things like this happening?!?!
I just sit and stare at my 150 and ask WHY!?.
Why does Ick have to exist?
Im done ranting.
I turned the temp up to 90 degrees in my quarantine tank and am treating with RID-ICH.
Now i have turned the temp up to 85 degrees in my 150G and have started treating with RID ICH along with the Mela Fix i have alrdy been treating it with.
My jumbo bottles of rid ich and mela fix are emptying out quick. Time to go buy more.
God Please Treat My Fish!