

Fish Fanatic
Apr 4, 2007
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My local shop is selling toads at the moment but lack information on them. They are tropical? white and apparently grow to the size of your palm, they apparently eat fish so a species only tank. I have an empty 125ltr tank at the moment so does anyone keep these and how many could live happily in 125 litres? thank you.
These are toads and not frogs. They sell frogs as well and these are different.
These are toads and not frogs. They sell frogs as well and these are different.

have you actually googled it? it sounds a lot like an african clawed frog
Totally confused now. They have african clawed frogs in their tropical tanks and the ones i am looking at are apparently cold water toads but are sub labelled xenopus, which i think is an african clawed frog!!!! Will go back in shop on weekend and compare them.
Totally confused now. They have african clawed frogs in their tropical tanks and the ones i am looking at are apparently cold water toads but are sub labelled xenopus, which i think is an african clawed frog!!!! Will go back in shop on weekend and compare them.

They probably have african clawed frogs which are coldwater as well as the dwarf kind which are tropical. ACF sometimes get called xenopus toads.
Went back to shop sunday but best!! staff werent in. They are definately not DWARF frogs because my girlfriend has those and these are alot bigger, do CLAWED frogs actually have claws coz these ones certainly didnt? i didnt buy any because there were a few dead ones in the tank.
Digdog, check out the pinned article called Aquatic frogs, I'm sure the links provided will help you out.

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