To What Age Do Fish Live?


New Member
Jan 11, 2008
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Do some species of fish live longer than others or do they all live about the same number of years and if so how many years do they live.

Sometimes over the years fish have died for no apparent reason and I have always assumed it was old age but unless it is a newish fish to my tank then I can never remember how long I have had them. when I add new fish from now on i will make a note of the date I bought them.

One fish that has just died, a gourami, I have had for two and half years at least, which I did not think was very long at all. I have danios, tetras and a plec older than that and they all seem fine and healthy.

depends on the species

usually with small trops (tetra's, danio's etc) you can expect 3 years, sometimes they'll make it as high as 5 years
slightly larger trops like gourami's will make 5-7 years
bigger fish like oscars will do 10-15 years

obviously there are exceptions but that's a rough idea.
There was a good article on this topic in Practical Fishkeeping Magazine this month if you have a spare £3.50?
It can also depend on how old the fish are when you get them from your LFS Shea. That can sometimes explain odd deaths, despite how long you may have had the fish, you might not be sure how old they really are. Sorry you lost your gourami :(
thank you for the informaton.
I will see if I can get that magazine when I am out at the shops later today. as i said I will make a note of when i buy new fish from now on.
I had never thought about the fact that they could be quite old when I bought them. It is just when you get used to them swimming around you think they will be there for ever - my tank looks so empty without her - she was a beautiful gold colour.

From one year on up. I've heard reports of some fish living for 40 yrs.

In general, the bigger the fish the longer it will live.
I have a green severum i personally have had for 5 years and the previous owner had it for7 so its atleast 12 or so. ive had cichlids live for 5-7 years. now im experimenting with community tank so will see what happens.
Billy, that sounds like a really nice community tank (I had to look up pics for green severum, pretty!), have you ever posted any pictures of it on TFF?
I would like to see what your severum looks like - I have never heard of them before. I will look out for photos if you have any to put on the site.

thanks everyone for replying.
Just for info, there have been Koi Carp reported to have lived for over 200 years.
Buy PFK... it's amazing!
Theres a full article on fish's ages.
It says pearl gourami's live to around 8 years. Thats the only gourami listed.
The koi is right at the bottom at an average of 80 years although there was a pond in Japan with some and the oldest was 226 years old!!

Giant Danios should live to 9 years.
What tetras do you have? I can imagine they'll live to about 5 years old.
And your pleco, if it's a common, should live to a nice 28 years old.
(according to PFK)
it also depends on your water quailty

guppies = 2 years
garami = 7 - 8 years
tetra = 2 years

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