To Ug Or Not To Ug


New Member
Feb 13, 2006
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London, ON, CANADA
Ok, let me just first say that I'm way out of the loop here. The last time I had an aquarium was 1996, I had them for 6 years prior to that and I was just a kid.

I'm getting back into the hobby slowly but I have some questions... When I had my tanks, I used to put undergravel filters in, with airstones in the uprights and just a vent cover on top (no powerhead). I used to see all kinds of waste accumulate under the grate of the UG filter...(maybe I wasn't doing this right)

My questions are, What is the general concensus on UG filters nowadays? Have they changed? I used to enjoy the nice little bubbles flowing up the upright tubes.

And while were on filters...are regular hangin'-out-on-the-back power filters still used?

Yeah, I'm so noob that I still have the plastic wrap on me.

Hey don't worry about it :p HOB filtes or Hang-On-Back filters are still widely used, infact i have on on my 10 gallon :) soo nim movnig it in with my Fluval1+ on my 30Gallon (I know underfiltered :( ) but anyway i used to use an UG but i think they are prettymuch useless becaus ei have plants in my tank and it sucks the roots through and mashes em!

most people either use an internal filter,or,an external filter these days.i dont know anyone who uses an undergravel.thats not to say undergravel filters are no good,i was just saying that i dont personally know anyone who uses them.
Ive used internal canister filters in the past, however recentely i have changed to external filters which i feel provide a much better water quality and ease of maintenance is much better and its also possible to mess around with the filter medium inside the external filter to acheive certain water parameters.

I did have an undergravel but removed it about a month ago because I wanted to switch to a sand substrate. I use an internal eheim filter now and have been very pleased with it, I did consider an external but am too scared of it leaking. (there are a few horror stories on here!)
You can use a UGF is you want, but as you can see most people use other forms of filtration now days that are generally more practical/easier to maintain- most people just use UGF's now days as far as i know to add extra filtration/oxygen to the tank rather than to rely completely on them keeping the tank cycled and clean :) .
Nothing wrong with an undergravel filter, providing you mantain the substrate and don't plan on planting the tank particularly.

Internal filters are popular choices for smaller tanks, less noisy than undergravel filters because no rising air column and use sponge media.

Externals are definitely the way to go if you're going for a tank of anything over 20gallons. Better filtration, easier to get at to clean and less messy, only a couple of tubes in the tank, increases the volume of water in the system.
Thanks everyone. So I could just run some air tubes under my sand/gravel with air stones or bubble walls to get the aeration benefits without having to deal with the UGF.

I used them before and was impressed with how much crud was pulled down through but it is really hard to get under there to clean. And this way I can set up with sand.
Definitely go with an external. In all the kinds I've used these are the best by far. There are some very good internal filters too but I'd avoid UG filters at all costs. Far too hard to keep clean and not as effecient as alot of the filters now available. And yes, sand substrate is great. Go for it. :thumbs:

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