To Snail Or Not To Snail?


New Member
Mar 14, 2010
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Flint, MI
I have a tropical community tank sitting at 78-80 degrees and have a hard time keep my snails alive. I have recently read that trap door snails like milder temperatures and could be the reason that the ones i place in my tank keep dying. If possible, what are a variety of snails that I could place in my tank. Apparently the help at Petsmart failed again in their knowledge, so i'm going to you guys as the experts this time!! :good:
I have a tropical community tank sitting at 78-80 degrees and have a hard time keep my snails alive. I have recently read that trap door snails like milder temperatures and could be the reason that the ones i place in my tank keep dying. If possible, what are a variety of snails that I could place in my tank. Apparently the help at Petsmart failed again in their knowledge, so i'm going to you guys as the experts this time!! :good:
Yes trapdoor snails rearly thrive in regular tropical temps. Apple snails do fine in tropical though you dont say what fish you keep and what your water params are, certain fish will eat snails and soft acidc water will dissolve their shells. Most fish meds are lethal to them too.
It's a 29 gallon tank. i have 5 barbs, 3 platy, a ghost shrimp, and two fish i forget their name it something like clown faced something i believe. i'll try and take a pic and put it up of the unknown ones. I don't ever see any harassment of the snails. They look good for about a week then upside down and hanging out of the shell after that.
did you say petsmart snails?? lol i have bought 4 snails from there. one has passed away. and two refuse to come out in my community tank, lol id love to know the answers as 4th one however is growing and doing great!!!
I had 2 petsmart snails that died too! lol. They were my first snails though so I figured I must have done something wrong, I thought maybe they weren't getting enough food since the fish seem to eat everything I throw in there. I did feed them greens too though, so I don't know what the problem was. I got a second pair about 2 days ago. They're labeled as mystery snails at petsmart. I really like them and hope I can keep them alive.

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