To Skim Or Not To Skim


New Member
Jul 21, 2005
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I'm running a 150 gallon reef tank supporting a variety of corals and fish life...

I'm starting to use live phytoplankton as food for the corals and they love it, the problem is I'm sure that my skimmer is sucking it all out...

I know the problem with not using a skimmer is that increase bio load... But do you think its a better route to take for my corals?

trying to discern the pros and cons.
Can you see each live phytoplankton? generally, skimmers only remove substances in the water and also micro-organisms; but if the skimmer is very powerful, it could easily suck in bigger organisms.
phytoplankton tend to be very very small, its up to you, food for the corals or cleaner water.
well ever since i started feeding them the phytoplankton the skimmer has collected way more green gunk in a short period of time... so my obvious conclusion was it was pulling my plankton out of the water.
uhh...I dont know what phytoplankton you use, but I use marine snow, and right on the bottle it says to turn off all filtration and skimming for an hour after feeding.
lol... Mine doesnt say that but its a damb good idea, its probly just assumed....

Still there is alot of phytoplankton lurking around in the tank after that hour that will get sucked up I'm sure..

Thanks for your help everyone, I think I'll test it out some more with these things in mind.

does anyone else here NOT skim?
Most corals actually feed during the night. I suggest you turnthe skimmers of at night and feed the corals. then resume skimming during daylight hours.
Right now I have watermellon mushrooms and a finger leather

soon to be adding a few species of xenia.

Both night feeders?

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