To Settle An Argument I Need Your Opinions

Definitely. The Clown Loaches alone need a 75+ tank once they're full grown and prefer to be in 3's, the plec is probably a Common and will grow to 12" or more and needs a 100g, the Gold Gourami tend to be territorial and usually they are best kept to themselves or overstocked more to keep down aggression and the combination of gourami and betta won't help them either.

Taking out the Clowns and some of the Gourami and the Plec will bring it down to a safe level though.
Definitely. The Clown Loaches alone need a 75+ tank once they're full grown and prefer to be in 3's, the plec is probably a Common and will grow to 12" or more and needs a 100g, the Gold Gourami tend to be territorial and usually they are best kept to themselves or overstocked more to keep down aggression and the combination of gourami and betta won't help them either.

Taking out the Clowns and some of the Gourami and the Plec will bring it down to a safe level though.

Thankyou thankyou thankyou :)

The clowns wont be in there long. we are sharing a tank with family and at the moment they are doing a fishless cycle with some of my tank shale and filter bits to help it along, they will be going there. Also when they grow bigger more will be going to my sisters chiclid tank. I am just housing them for growth and such.. the gold gourami they are wierd creatures.. they were from my sister who breeds them.. they are the most docile fish I have ever seen. i got one from the lfs to make so I have 4 but it just wasnt anywhere near the same as my 3. it was a horrible creature.

But anyway thankyou very very much. My other half was getting very irate telling me we had room for MORE like oh my god no we have not.. he wants to make the 3 rosy tetras to a shoal you see. uuurrrgh some men haha.

Definitely. The Clown Loaches alone need a 75+ tank once they're full grown and prefer to be in 3's,

I do have 3.. did I put 2? ooops.
Need to put the betta in its own 2.5g because they aren't compatible with gouramis, tetras, or barbs.
i was just wondering what the egg in your signature means?

durbkat,i have kept many different bettas with honey Gs ,neons and other tetras and Gs and they are betta just recently died of old age .4 yrs old
Need to put the betta in its own 2.5g because they aren't compatible with gouramis, tetras, or barbs.

Not entirely true. I would agree with the barb statement, but my beta lives happily with 2 kissing and 1 red Gouramis and loads of tetras.

I do think its pot luck, but it can work in community tank.
Crikey - more fish ? Is that possible ? There is such a variety of fish in there - why would you want to add more fish ? They'll start turning into sardines pretty soon .....
You have well over 160 inches of fish there at adult size. In a 140 Litre (37 US Gallon) tank this is regarded as overstocked by any standard.

Traditional maximum stocking levels say that you should have no more than 2 inches of fish per UK Gallon (4.5 Litres) so therefore 62 inches is regarded as your maximium. You can "get away" with higher stocking levels as long as you keep on top of water changes, substrate vacuuming, filter maintenance etc.

I recommend either buying another tank or returning some fish to your LFS.

What better excuse do you need to get a bigger tank?
What better excuse do you need to get a bigger tank?

thats why i plan on getting a baby common pleco, then by my birthday (september) my parents will HAVE to buy me the 300litre i want, they say i "dont need it" at the moment :no: :D
[quote name=''genesis' post='1085698' date='Feb 22 2006, 10:15 AM']
[quote name='gf225' post='1085685' date='Feb 22 2006, 09:49 AM']What better excuse do you need to get a bigger tank?

thats why i plan on getting a baby common pleco, then by my birthday (september) my parents will HAVE to buy me the 300litre i want, they say i "dont need it" at the moment :no: :D
You are already overstocked for a 300 litre with just your current fish. Please don't buy any more - that is just cruel!
Info on Eggs in sigs
Mystery Eggs
Each month we will release five eggs that will hatch on the first day of the following month. Each egg holds a different kind of critter, but the critter won't be revealed until hatching day! Choose your egg below and paste the code onto your webpage. You may adopt one egg or all five! All eggs hatch on the first of each month and new eggs will also be released on the first of each month. After your egg hatches, you may keep the critter on your homepage to show off to your guests :D You may even adopt more eggs as they are released! Please do not direct link to these eggs. Instead, use the code provided ;)
go here to get them Mystery Eggs
Need to put the betta in its own 2.5g because they aren't compatible with gouramis, tetras, or barbs.

The betta is fine, gets on no problem with anyone.. :) like some of you say it always depends on the betta and the other fish..

i was just wondering what the egg in your signature means?


I have no idea.. I noticed others on another fish forum did it so so did I lol

Crikey - more fish ? Is that possible ? There is such a variety of fish in there - why would you want to add more fish ? They'll start turning into sardines pretty soon .....

When did I ever say that I wanted to add more fish.. I have been fish keeping for years but my other halfd thinks he knows beter than me,. thankfully after seeing these replies he has shut up and consuidered me correct in KNOWING the tank was stocked,.

You have well over 160 inches of fish there at adult size. In a 140 Litre (37 US Gallon) tank this is regarded as overstocked by any standard.

Traditional maximum stocking levels say that you should have no more than 2 inches of fish per UK Gallon (4.5 Litres) so therefore 62 inches is regarded as your maximium. You can "get away" with higher stocking levels as long as you keep on top of water changes, substrate vacuuming, filter maintenance etc.

I recommend either buying another tank or returning some fish to your LFS.

What better excuse do you need to get a bigger tank?

Yes I know.. I will be getting a bigger tank.. I cant wait. :) wont be untill we NEED to though as when the gold gouramis grow bigger.. my clowns will be going to there new homes when they get bigger. :( its gonna be a sad occasion
When did I ever say that I wanted to add more fish.. I have been fish keeping for years but my other halfd thinks he knows beter than me,. thankfully after seeing these replies he has shut up and consuidered me correct in KNOWING the tank was stocked,.
Appologies - I did not make myself clear :). I meant "you" as in general "you" :/ not you-you :D

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