To salt...or not to salt,


New Member
Jul 3, 2003
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Cincinnati, Ohio
I recently moved my ryunkin goldfish to an appropriate sized tank. I used "goldfish salt" to help protect him. I never used it before, and was wondering if it is a good practice. He is mostly hiding in his new tank and didn't eat today. I have 'newbie' fears that I might mess something up and kill the little guy. :-( I've had him since April, and he has done great....
I kept goldfish for years and never used salt, (I'm afraid I don't know too much about it). I always found with a good water conditioner and much the same care I now give my tropicals, they all stayed healthy. The usual, basic care should help keep him healthy, a nice supply of live food and good water condition is all the advice I can give you. :D

I don't know about ryunkins ('fraid haven't heard of them) but if they are shoal fish, maybe a couple of friends might keep him happy. Also nothing like a bit of healthy competition to buck a fish up. :D
Hi bluefrog

I've lioheads, which is near family to ryukin I tjhink -_-

when I first put my lionheads in my aqua, they were a bit shy the first few days. I think one or two companions would not be bad. :p

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