To Put Sand In Or Not


New Member
Nov 29, 2005
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i was think of put sand in my tank. will it harm the fish or algae eater

It won't harm your fish and in some cases may even help them. Bottom feeders such as cories love sand since it is generally not as rough and ragged as gravel. The sharp edges of gravel can damage their barbels and make it difficult for them to find food.
I agree. Is your tank already established? Sand looks much better than gravel IMO :)
You should be careful with sand because it will be hard to vacuum. Gravel is easier to vac, because it is a lot heavier than sand. With sand, you might suck it up if you aren't careful enough.
It also depends on how you transfer your old gravel, and how you introduce the new sand.
You won't be able to just dump the sand in, I've heard horror storries of fish getting burried :sad:
There are several threads about changing sand. Here is the one I did on my switch from sand to sand (snail problem, long story) and of course here is The_Wolf's Pinned Topic on sand in general with info on how to change.

As for being harder to vacuum, actually, I think it is easier to keep sand clean because all the waste lays on top to be vacuumed up. With gravel, it filters down through the cracks and crevices between the gravel so you have to really dig down to get it and you still can't get it all.
As for being harder to vacuum, actually, I think it is easier to keep sand clean because all the waste lays on top to be vacuumed up. With gravel, it filters down through the cracks and crevices between the gravel so you have to really dig down to get it and you still can't get it all.
I totally agree with you. As for "burning the fish" just remove them from the tank while you add the sand
Well, I don't think anyone is planning to burn their fish ;)
I think you ment burring, and yes, thats what you'll need to do.
ok i gone to go to get some sand and put it in there. Thanks for your help
im setting up a new tank im buying it friday have planned most of it regards plants & caves due to me wanting khulis and corys, but as nursery im having good few inch gravel for bout 6inch of tank than planting right across from the front to back adding bit of java moss andthis will b a nursery to stop my widow tetras gobbling up all me babys but would a mix of sand and gravel look ok??? not layered but like bit of sand here than bit of gravel in nother part??? i dont if it would look if i put it in right or if it just look gay wotever way i try design it?? if it could b done pretty cool looking i can have different bits for fish especially corys, the gravels gonna b there as i read somewhere (mayb here) that khulis like to burrow a bit into the gravel to get scraps and stuff?? anyway hope this post aint to confusing any advice much appreciated, i try post some pics b4 and after i add the fish to new aquarium (in the piccy bit of course)
Sand can get easily stirred up but there are good reasons to get it. It is more comfortable for many fish compared to gravel. :D
ok cool i only plan on having small amount rest b gravel just wondering if will look anygood with bit of both in. the sands mainly for the khuli loach and corys i b adding

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