New Member
Ive got a small 10 gallon tank and I can't decide whats best, planted tanks look better but are they worth the extra trouble? Are fish happier in a planted tank? Is a planted tank alot more work to maintain?
Yes. Sometimes. Fish like a planted tank as the plants offer shade, cover, food and calm spots in the tank. If you dont go with plants make sure you have other things in the tank that the fish can use for hiding/resting places. They are more work but the amount is dependent upon the types of plants. Anubias, cryptocoryne and polysperma are plants that are usually low maintenance. HTHLeaf said:Are fish happier in a planted tank? Is a planted tank alot more work to maintain?
In my 10gal I haveJediagh said:How much is TOO MUCH plants in a 10 gal aquarium?
I just have 1 java fern, 2 fake plants and a small bucket decoration. Looks real bare right now...
Not sure if I should add more or some othe type? Any recommendations?
2 baby corry catfish living in y 10 gal