To Plant or not to Plant


New Member
Jul 5, 2004
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Essex, England
Ive got a small 10 gallon tank and I can't decide whats best, planted tanks look better but are they worth the extra trouble? Are fish happier in a planted tank? Is a planted tank alot more work to maintain?
Leaf said:
Are fish happier in a planted tank? Is a planted tank alot more work to maintain?
Yes. Sometimes. :p Fish like a planted tank as the plants offer shade, cover, food and calm spots in the tank. If you dont go with plants make sure you have other things in the tank that the fish can use for hiding/resting places. They are more work but the amount is dependent upon the types of plants. Anubias, cryptocoryne and polysperma are plants that are usually low maintenance. HTH :)
I have always enjoyed planted tanks IMHO they are better. An alternative food source, the provive oxygen and plenty of hiding places. As for extra trouble i wouldnt hear of it. It is always best to have a flourescent bulb I find that most plants thrive with it rather than incandescent. Algae isnt much of a problem with alot of plants that are real easy to grow. Try the plant section for specific info on growing tips and other little tidbits from plant experts. :D
I personally prefer planted :p , but when I first started didnt think I would be able planting up my 75 gallon -_- . My second tank 10 gallon is planted.

Now that I have experience in the hobby, if I could go back in time my 75 would be planted.

However, I was so worried about other things as a newbie, I just saved the headache
Live plants are great in tanks, and nothing can replace them. I've found planted tanks really do lead to healthier fish. Extra work includes pruning and cleaning up and removing dead foliage. How much extra work this end up being depends on the plants you keep. You also need to consider lighting, substrate etc. Algae can also be a real menace as you try to achieve a balance in the tank. It will take some extra learning, experimenting, and effort, but IMO it's worth it.
In my experience it's completely worth any extra hassle, which isn't really all that much, just because it looks infinitely better! cheaper too if you do it right. just start off with some hardy, undemanding plants and it'll all be great.
And some plants are very easy to maintain, such as java ferns and anubia. Try them for starters if you don't have any previous experience in planted tanks.
How much is TOO MUCH plants in a 10 gal aquarium?

I just have 1 java fern, 2 fake plants and a small bucket decoration. Looks real bare right now... :/
Not sure if I should add more or some othe type? Any recommendations?

2 baby corry catfish living in y 10 gal
Jediagh said:
How much is TOO MUCH plants in a 10 gal aquarium?

I just have 1 java fern, 2 fake plants and a small bucket decoration. Looks real bare right now... :/
Not sure if I should add more or some othe type? Any recommendations?

2 baby corry catfish living in y 10 gal
In my 10gal I have

#1 Amazon Sword
#1 Clump of Java Moss
#1 Afzeli Anubias
#1 Tape Grass
#1 Giant Hygrophila
#1 Lilacina

It's may sound like a lot but it isn't. I want to add another plant behind the bogwod I have in my tank so it dosen't look so bare.
Easy plants too look after are Amazon Sword, Java Moss, Java Fern. That's what I think anyway. The plants I have in my 10gal are really easy to look after, all I did was plant them in the gravel and they just grew and grew and grew...
My corydoras love the plants and always swim around them...hehe...really cute ^__^
Well if you think it looks bare add some more till you like how it looks. :) I think there's only really "too mnay" plants in a tank when there's barely any space left for the fish to swim, so just use your judgement. stick in some more low maintenance plants eg cryptocoryne, java moss, java fern, anubias or hornwort.
Thanks to all have convinced me.... they do look more natural and thats gotta be a good thing. I think I will go for the Amazon Sword and I love the look of moss....but I will see what my lfs has in stock. Many thanks for your suggestions :cool:

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