to much stress?


Fish Herder
Sep 19, 2003
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Clinton,Tennessee, U.S.A.
ok my tank has a algea problem that should go away in a few more months, and to keep it down a stick my hand in and wave it blowing the aglea of rocks and sand and then a catch the floating algea with a net. all the fish a deafly afraid of the neat net and the firefish goby is the same with my hand in there so doin this scares them to deaf every few days when i do it. also the water becomes ver very cloudy do to the waving. can this be causing to much stress for them, if so how am i to keep the algea off? thnx for any help

2 percular clownfish: only deafly afraid of the net, a little afraid of my hand waving water at them.
firefish goby: scared of anything i stick in the tank
scooter blenny: doesnt mind it at all, seems to enjoy it and it stures up food for him.
due to my brother and i's busy college schedule it gets hard to clean the tank all the time. So when i get larges amounts of build-up on the glass i go at it with a fish tank scraper/sponge. The watter gets really clody with crud flying all over. Some of the fish hide. Some are curious on the scapper or my hand being in the tank. They don't seem to mind too much, the tang hides... the other two are out and about. Tang trys to eat the algae. So far so good... fish are healthy and seem happy. I need a clean-up crew though.
Try using a siphon, just crimp the hose a bit so the water will not flow as fast. You will find this less stressfull for the fish.

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