to much dechlorinator bad?


Oct 9, 2003
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is too much dechlorinator bad?
i was doing a water change and i added like 25% too much dechlorinator.
what could this effect or harm?
Ive done this before, except I've added like 4 times as much as I was supposed to. Nothing bad has happened in my experiences.
Some dechlorinators -- usually the ones that contain "ammonia removal" properties, can be harmful if overdosed. Exactly how they are harmful, I can't remember. The dechlor products of this type, as I remember, always warn against overdosing on the label.

In any case, if it was only an overdose of 25%, I probably wouldn't sweat it too much.
most dechlorinator would say whether you could overdose or not. I use Aqua Plus and everytime I change water I put 1 dose per bucket instead of doing 1 for every 37 litres, I even use it when I introduce new fish as it said on instruction...better safe than sorry right :D

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