to many fry and now more


New Member
Aug 31, 2003
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las vegas nv
hi, i'm gurly

my mollie had about 30 fry september 1, :hyper:
well its been about 2 and a half weeks now so i'm preparing for new fry. :D my question is may i put the new fry in with the old fry?? :/ it would save alot of space. or would the big ones hog all the food while the little ones have no food ohh would it be better if i put her in a seperate tank without my neons to give birth in ??? will the small neons eat the fry??? one last question when do the mollie fry become sexually mature???

any comments are helpful!! :nod:
i dont think that the old fry would be able to eat the new ones, i have never had a problem with it and as long as you make the food almost powder (if it is flake) then they should get enough to eat. im not quite sure if neons will eat the fry, i suppose if they can fit them in there mouths than they would, but im not sure. the fry will become mature around 4 months, as soon as you can start to tell the difference between male and female.
hope this helps :D
Well if any fish can fit fry in their mouth then they will eat them because its a good source of nutrition. So if your fry are bigger than a neon can eat then your resonably safe ;)

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