To Many Cuc ?


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2007
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hi all.

i have a 700 litre tank with a 350 litre sump.

tank dimension 2m l x 50cm b x 70cm high

this is my stock list at the moment

1 powder blue tang
1 powder brown tang
1 purple tang
1 cardinal
1 sebae clown
1 tamatoe clown
1 leopard wrasse

3 cowrie snails
6 big turbo snails
5 big hermits
4 algae snails
I wouldn't say so. That is what many people have already in their nano tank.

Also, a tank of this dimension is more difficult to control or even to check what happens behind the scenes. It is one of those tanks where an adult tang disappears completely within the live rock to appear a few minutes later from somewhere else.

I only would be prepared that there maybe some losses of the CUC by the time as only the algae snails are strictly herbivore. Maybe some Nassarius snails for the sandbed and detritus eating could be added.
ok gotcha.
It makes sense now :) I don't think there are too many clean up critters in the tank. On a coral reef there are heaps more per square metre. You could add some shrimp or starfish. Brittle stars are good and there are numerous different shrimp.
you only need as much as you need, we cant answer the question "is it too much" or "is it enough" accurately. It is up to you to visual detect it.

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