To Many Bottom Feeders?


Fish Herder
Aug 29, 2006
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Do I have to many bottom feeders? I have: 5 corys, 1 clown loach, 2 yoyo loaches, 1 zebra loach, and one small clown pleco. I am not sure if this is to many.
Oh yeah the tank size is 55 gallons.
Hi halfbloodprincess :)

There is really no such thing as having too many bottom feeders. I have three 55 gallon tanks full of them, except for a pair of blind cave tetras and a weather loach.

What you do need to consider though is the amount of waste the entire population of fish in the tank will produce. If you have too many it will result in an excess of nitrates that will be hard to control. Big fish, like a clown loach will eventually grow to be, will produce a lot. It's something to think about for the future.

Here's a link you might find interesting:
Also, keep in mind, a lot of the fish you have listed in your signatures need to be in groups of 3+. The botia's especially need to be, as they will not do well by themselves...

EDIT: Spelling
You should look into at least adding one more clown loach. He'll be alot better with a friend or friends.

I have a 55 with 6 cory's, 5 Clowns, and 10 Tiger Barbs so it's pretty squeaky clean down below. The most problems I have is replanting plants everyday I come home from work.
If you think you have too many bottom feeders, here is mine :hey:


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Great Number and Variety of Corys you got there PC, Can you tell me what species you have and how many of each species ? Thanks

Hi Kuhni

Here is the list of my Corys

Brochis splendens 5
Corydoras aeneus green unknow
Corydoras aeneus Albino unknown count
Corydoras aeneus lazer gold 2
Corydoras adolfoi 3
Corydoras arcuatus 8
Corydoras duplicareus 3
Corydoras elegans 5
Corydoras melini 2
Corydoras metae 3
Corydoras paleatus 7
Corydoras panda 14
Corydoras punctatus 4
Corydoras rabauti 5
Corydoras reticulates 6
Corydoras schwartzi 5
Corydoras semiaquilus 6
Corydoras seussi 6
Corydoras sterbai 5
Corydoras sychri long nose 1
Corydoras trilineatus 5-10
Corydoras venezuelanus 6

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