To Filter Or Not?


Fish Crazy
Jan 24, 2005
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Sorry, I meant to poll this question. Please let me know if you use a filter for your betta, and what size tank you have. As I said in other post, my betta has been sick on and off for the last year. I don't know what else to do. I moved him last year from his horrible vase (sorry, didn't know any better--he was a gift) to a 5 gallon heated tank by himself. I do weekly 25-40% water changes. Thanks.
A cycled filter equals stabilty, and sability equals a healthier betta. It's rather simple.

My betta is in about the same boat -- he's older, always lived in an uncycled environment, I moved him to a larger space, etc... and even though I know he won't ever dash around like my young one does, or come alive again to the degree my young ones do, a filtered, heated, larger space has seen a greater amount of life in my old little betta geezer.

He's just a wiggle'n old man, but what the hell, he's one of two bettas I own, why not give him all the perks that I am capable of giving him?
I filter and heat all my tanks to a degree.

The smaller tanks have sponge filters (especially the breeding tank), the larger tanks (like the girls and boys tanks) have a fluval 2 in, and they all have heaters either a hydor mini heater in the little tanks or a 25/50 watt heater in the others. :nod:

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