To: Betta Owners who have ADF's in their tanks.

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Jun 8, 2005
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Well I introduced 2 adf's to Hachi's 5 gallon tank. At first Hachi was all about nippin at the Adf's back legs. They seemed shocked they were even in the tank and this fish was griefing them. I had to leave for a prior engagement (bad planning I know) and the fate of the ADF's was in the hands of Hachi. I worried about them. When I came home nobody had torn fins, feet, or missing legs. I have been watching them and now it seems like the Frogs are nippin at Hachi's fins. They dont seem to be doing any damage but Hachi Freaks out and takes off and the frog is holding on like a betta rodeo till the betta shakes him. Is this all posturing? Is this to determin everybody's limits? I fed them blood worms and it seemed to be a fight for them. No damage to anybody that I can see. I fed Hachi first then tried to feed the frogs with a turkey baster but the worms came out anyway and went everywhere. The frogs went looking for it but I dont think they found any of them yet.

Is this bad? Do I yank the adf's? or do I wait for it to settle? I am afraid when the lights go out tonight....its dinner time for somebody.

Advice on what I should expect to go on in the tank for the first day?

just wait, theyll get use dto each other. bettas will do that to any new playmate, they are just curious, and adf wont hurt your fishes fins, they are juts trying to chase him away so they can have some peace, it'll settle out shortly.
If the frogs start doing any damage (or having any damage done) I'd separate them. Bettas sometimes nip at newcomers to their tank and then get used to them after a couple of days, but then again, sometimes they just never get used to them. :/

You're absolutely sure they're ADFs and not ACFs, right? Probably a silly question, but I thought I'd make sure. The only reason I've ever seen an ADF nip is because they have horrible eyesight and mistake fins for food :lol:
Yeah I made sure they were aDf's. They have webbed feet all around. Yes when the Betta is pretending to be a catfish and lurks on the bottom for food is when the frog clamps onto his fin. You can tell it looks like a worm because of the way his tail lays on the gravel. They seem to be ok this morning. I am not to worried about it at this point. I will keep my eye on em the next coupld days.

Thanks all,
Is your betta red? I had an adf in with a red finned veil tail, and the frog would clamp onto his fins too. Adf's have bad eyesite, and red fins might look like red bloodworms to them. I currently have 2 adf's in with a blue male plakat and they don't hardly even look at each other. Even when he is resting on the bottom.
I have two ADF's in my 20 gal community. A few weeks ago I noticed one of my frogs trying to attack my betta. Booker just looked at him and swam away. A few minutes later the blue neon dwarf gourami was "attacked" when he swam by the frog. I was astonished because I've had them for months and never seen any aggression from the frogs. I believe it was because I'd just fed them and had put a small cluster of frozen bloodworms on the bottom of the tank for the frogs. I think he was trying to guard them and was jumping at anything that came close to him. I noticed him doing that a couple of times in a row after I'd fed them and then the behavior just stopped. :dunno:

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