To betta or not to betta


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2005
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A few questions:

1) Can I have a betta in a 10g with filter and heater + ornaments and 2 plecs + one angel

2) How big do they get

3) if I got a bowl how would I filter/heat.

randalthor said:
A few questions:

1) Can I have a betta in a 10g with filter and heater + ornaments and 2 plecs + one angel

2) How big do they get

3) if I got a bowl how would I filter/heat.


1) No, you can not have a betta in a 10g with 2 plecs and an angel. Angels need a much larger tank and the same with plecos.
You CAN, however, have the betta in the 10 gallon WITHOUT the plecos and the angel fish, with a school of 6 smaller tetras. This will only work if you have a betta which will tolerate and not eat the tetras. You could also have a betta and a couple ADFS, or a betta and a small shoal of smaller cories.

2) About 2 inches I think? (not including their tail)

3) You would not have to use a filter in a bowl, you can just do weekly 100% water changes. If your house is cold then you will have to use a heater, just make sure the bowl is atleast 2 gallons and get a 25 watt or less submersible heater.
hi there
you will quickly learn that in this forum, it is always better "to betta"!! :lol:

1) you could keep a betta in a 10 gal with ornaments, not sure about the angels or the plecs, but i think if they are common plecs you are already WAY overstocked (because they get huge) what types of angels/plecs do you have?

2) bettas get to be 2-2.5 inches (not counting the tail)

3) you don't need a filter, but 100% water changes every few days to a week (depending on the size of the bowl). they do make small heaters for 2 gal tanks.

be careful, betta are addicting... :rofl:
MegTheFish is right about the angels and plecs, both are too large for a 10 gallon. Even if they weren't the angel would most likely nip the betta's long fins. What you could do, if you already have the angel and plecs, is return them to your LFS and get more suitable tankmates for a betta in a 10 gallon. Some good choices would be khuli loaches, cory catfish, otos (like mini plecs), or ADFs.
I realize that I do not have enough room for the full grown fish (I am planning on getting a 30-40g tank) Right now my angle is only 1", and my plecs 1.5". The betta is okay with a filter right? I thought I heard somthing about not wanting water movment.

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