To All The People Who Love Cories!


New Member
Jul 20, 2011
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Simple question.

Why do you guys love cories?

I saw a couple of interesting looking ones at the LFS but why are they so interesting?
Id like to know before i get any. So far my SAEs are really fun... i love watching them quarrel over algae wafers
Their interaction with each other, also they're pretty cute for a fish lol, if i could stroke mine I would LOL
1. They are simply too dang cute for words.


2. Because corys adore us.
Simple question.

Why do you guys love cories?

I saw a couple of interesting looking ones at the LFS but why are they so interesting?
Id like to know before i get any. So far my SAEs are really fun... i love watching them quarrel over algae wafers
corys are beautiful to watch,id defo recomend corys to any1
They're cute,cheeky,very amusing to watch :wub: ,especially the way they wiggle their butts around the tank and hover near the front of the glass looking out at you before darting off...digging in the sand leaving pot holes everywhere :rolleyes: this i'm sure they do on purpose after i lovingly flatten the sand out for them to do it all over again,reminds me of a naughty mischievious little puppies :lol:

Apart from that....i dont know what anyone sees in them.... :p :lol:
Vile little creatures. Hate them. That's why I have about 50 of them.

Honestly, I just love watching them snuffling through the sand, sometimes diving head-first into it, shoaling together, not fighting with a single thing. What's not to love??
The wiggling/digging is so cute! And they have little cartoon eyes :D

I like the way they sit together in a lump all sprawled over each other, and the way they patrol the glass in a line all snuffling for food. And when they sit on the bottom with fat little bellies propped up on their front fins. Just totally adorable really.
You hate them too, huh?

Actually, I just counted and between This Younger Spouse's tanks and mine we have 45. And I want more!!
the coolest little fish for the bottom dwelling area you can get, hands down! very entertaining to watch! breathed a whole new life into my tank!
I'm new to fish and from the fish time I saw a Cory on this forum I new I had to have one they are great I currently have 7 but next year I'm hoping to get a bigger tank and my first purchase will be corys for sure. My sterbai are mental and like a little family all playing together they are so full of life that every other fish in the tank has at some stage come over to play with them they are like the cool kids at school everyone wants to hang out with them lol. On my to get list are pandas and skunk so tiny and so cute.
My other half was really against getting them. She thought they were like other catfish, which she thinks are ugly! She still wasn't convinced when we put them in the tank ("their barbels are icky").

Within a day she thinks they are super cute and one of her favourite fish! We only have two but as soon as our water readings settle we will be adding another 4-6 at least.
Cute whiskers, blinking, googly eyes, never aggressive, very active and they just have so much personality!
Peaceful, Cory's just don't know the meaning of being mean...not to each other or other fish, they also have no concept of personal space and often all pile up together, big small it doesn't matter if your a cory the more the merrier.

I love watching mine cruise around, get a whiff of some treat and then zero in on the scource :lol: . I liken my huge female peppered cory's to great white sharks only because they dwarf my other cory's and are so rotund like swimming barrels and still are no problem to anyone.
Ok so they aren't the most eye catching fish, until you get up close and personal with them and see thier fine often delicate markings and see the green sheen that shines brightly on a healthy cory. What's not to love about thier peaceful, unassuming ways and boundless personality.

I am a cory addict and PROUD of it :nod: :nod: .

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