To All Newbies!


Mar 4, 2008
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Hi all

Some might remember me posting a while back im a newbie and was grateful for all the advice given to me on starting up.

Just wanted to say thank you for all the help given. I fishless cycled my tank for 6 weeks then stated off with a few danios and added more fish slowly over the weeks. All water readings are spot on.

I am now the proud owner of 6 zebra danios, a gourami, 2 male guppies, a couple of platys and 2 bolivian rams. My danios have spawned, and the bolivian rams by sheer chance turned out to be male and female. At first they didnt get on and I was on the verge of taking one back to the shop but suddenly all that changed and they paired up! Last night the female laid eggs and daddy is standing guard over them as we speak - im thrilled to bits!!

Just wanted to say to all newbies it really is worth taking the advise given on here and reading up on the net as much as you can to do it all it all properly so you have healthy and happy fish - their fate is dependent on you and you owe it to them! :lol:
Now there is an inspiring post to everyone, (incl me) who may be struggling to cycle a tank at present. It must be a great feeling when it is all done..and you have beautiful and healthy fish in the tank. Peace and tranquility personified.....the "calm after the storm".
Congrats to you Gilli. :good:

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