To Addicted To Fish!?

Fish Addiction?

  • No

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • Yes

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • Maybe.....

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • TOTALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAHAHHAHAH

    Votes: 14 48.3%

  • Total voters

Fish are AWE

Fish Fanatic
Oct 12, 2011
Reaction score
I just wanted to know how much people are into fish. No can also mean other things
im interested in fish because its a whole eco system in a small space, which if done right looks amazing and is very interesting so yep im addicted
It fascinates me the many things I can do, and the many varieties to check out. I am currently setting up my third tank...its still small compared to some but 55g is a lot to me! LOL Going from livebearers to cichlids!
From zero to 4 tanks in 8 months and about to be 6...then when tax return comes in will be 7.... may disable some smaller ones then taking care of a 150-200 gallon will keep me busy.
I'm thinking of attending Fishkeepers Anonymous with minnnt :lol:

"Hi, I'm Caz and I'm an addict." :blush:
Certainly am!! I sit and observe my fish easily 30mins how many times a day. I visit the lfs every weekend. I spent money on two new female bettas this weekend when I am really, really broke this pay :crazy: But they are so adorable!!

I have four tanks, one currently not running but am trying to keep the numbers down. It's so hard when I want a cichlid tank and a marine tank as well as the four I've already got.
Upgraded 3 times in 12 months and spent a fortune!
Only have the one tank and a hospital tank but if I didn't work split shifts and could keep up with maintenance I would have at least another one.
I watch my fish every spare minute I have, they are much more interesting than the rubbish on TV!
I have six tanks running, I have an empty one running just in case an emergency arises and another 18 tanks in the shed. Not enough room in the house for more.
18 tanks! what sizes? wow im impressed lol only only got 4 :(
It's an addiction to which there is no cure!!!!!!
yeah i started at the end of last year. saved up for the first tank, sold it and made money on it bought a bigger one, got given a tank, bought tank 3, sold tank 1 and got a bigger one still. only got two tanks but 300 quid is in the kitty ready for the cichlid tank i've got my heart set on. might have to build a house extention first though lol
The 18 are not in use, yet. They're 3ft tanks with stands I bought from a LFS that was closing down. I have a 350ltr, 250ltr and 150ltr as my main tanks, a 100ltr, 60ltr and a 30ltr that are running along with the emergency tank. Its never enough though
what are you going todo with the 18 tanks? (set them all up?) ... you could open your own fish store!
I will probably sell a few at some stage, I am building a shed, well, supposed to be but unable to do it at the minute so I will probably breed some shrimp, apple snails of various colours to start off with. If any of my severum pair up I'll move a bigger tank out to the shed and give them their own tank. Will probably buy a tank for them though. Oh, bristlenose plecs too. I have a breeding pair of them at present.

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