To Add More Killi Fish Or A Cichlid?


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
atm im looking after some of my bf fish as hes been away for a while, in the tank there are 10 american flags, 4 pepperd corrys, and angel and a yoyo loach. i have already bought him 4 of the american flags and the 4 corys to saprise him when he comes home in 2 weeks ( i also knew he wanted these fish n there wouldnt be any problems getting them for him) i also know he was thinking about getting something else to go with them like 3 goldem panchax or a blue ram or a yellow peacock cilchlid. i would like to get one of these to go in his tank as a saprise, what would the best one be to go with these fish? i have read alot of info on these fish and from what iv read the tank size n everything is fine n i think all are compatable, so whats every one elses opinions, if the info i have read is wrong please let me know!
o n he reads this site alot since hes been away ao i hope he doesnt see this!

thanks in advance ally!
It depends on how big the tank is, if you spread your arms and they are twice as long as the tank do not add any fish. If I was going to add more fish I would put the golden panchax in. They are fairly aggressive but only with other surface dwellers and so would do well with the other fish. The Blue Ram could also go in with the type of fish already in there. Do not put the Yellow Peacock in there they do not enjoy the same water conditions and are more aggressive than the other fish by far.
2 ft but the fish are beibg devided up into 2, 2ft tanks in two weeks, i assume this will be too small for the blue ram after all? even if it is in the 2 foot tank wit say only the 4 corys? thats a shame my bf always liked the blue rams, they are beautifull fish. is there any other smaller beautifull cichlids that i will be able to put with these fish?
Rams are one of the most peaceful cichlids there are and do not grow over three inches long.
You can if you want, I would just not add more fish other than a female ram for the time being.
o i know the only reason why i am is cause all fish are only about an inch most are less, they angel is the size of a 50c piece and they will be moved in 2 weeks, less than that now. so i am making sure they wont be cramped, and they are all gettin on really well, tho if the blue ram keeps chattin up the female american flags the dominant male american flag will be havin some words wiht him i think lol. there are 8 females and 2 males, the dominant male is ok with the smaller male but i dont think there will be any more males added just in case, the big male can get very grouchy. but im sure the blue ram will be happy once he gets a girl all to him self, i am hoping to go down tomorow to get his girl.

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