Fish Crazy
atm im looking after some of my bf fish as hes been away for a while, in the tank there are 10 american flags, 4 pepperd corrys, and angel and a yoyo loach. i have already bought him 4 of the american flags and the 4 corys to saprise him when he comes home in 2 weeks ( i also knew he wanted these fish n there wouldnt be any problems getting them for him) i also know he was thinking about getting something else to go with them like 3 goldem panchax or a blue ram or a yellow peacock cilchlid. i would like to get one of these to go in his tank as a saprise, what would the best one be to go with these fish? i have read alot of info on these fish and from what iv read the tank size n everything is fine n i think all are compatable, so whats every one elses opinions, if the info i have read is wrong please let me know!
o n he reads this site alot since hes been away ao i hope he doesnt see this!
thanks in advance ally!
o n he reads this site alot since hes been away ao i hope he doesnt see this!
thanks in advance ally!