I've been running two Growbeam 500s for about 6 weeks now, in a new set-up 200l which is quite heavily planted.
Exactly how effective these LEDs are is a bit hard to judge at the moment. I started with just 6 hours of lighting, to avoid algae problems, and I'm just starting to slowly increase that now that I feel that circulation is sorted.
Almost all of the plants I have are doing fine, especially the undemanding crypts, weeping moss and most echinodorus. Echinodorus quadricostatus (Helanthium bolivianum) is running amok! But I have had some problems with more demanding plants, heteranthera zosterifolia and an unidentified round leafed echinodorus. But this may be down to inefficient flow and feeding.
To be fair TMC recommend using 4 Grobeams on a tank of this size, so I am quite satisfied with the growth I am getting all things considered.
The previous owmer of my lights had them running on a 60cm long tank with pressurized CO2 and achieved quite stunning results. I'm desperately trying to save my pennies for a decent CO2 system and eventually another pair of Grobeams so I can try more light demanding plants. I think running 4 Grobeams without CO2 would be asking for problems.
You don't mention how long your tank is, but I assume 80cm. TMC recommend two Grobeam 1000s for tanks that size. But there again they also think that a 60cm should have three Grobeam 500s, which, considering the growth I am getting with just two in a 100cm, seems like overkill.