
Don't mix substrates, it gets messy, especially with bottom dwelling fishes like Corydoras that dig in the sand. You will end up with the sand mixing in with the substrate. It's a mess. Just use some play sand or small smooth gravel and leave it at that. Sand is better for Cories.

If you want plants, use a liquid aquarium plant fertiliser and don't waste your money on a plant substrate. Plant substrates stop releasing stuff after a period of time (12-24 months) and then they do nothing. Some plant substrates release ammonia during that time and it can affect the fish and screw up the cycling process.
Id place any plant mix you use in mesh bags as bits will eventually rise above the sand if you add it loosely. The cories may mix things up for you aswel.

Im not a massive fan of the plant soils tbh, i dont think they add anything you cant get with just sand and root tabs.

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