Tis A Sad Day


I am Nemo!!
Jul 27, 2005
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Colorado, USA
everything has been going well and no problems at all with my 10 gal. when i turned on my lights this morning my firefish didnt come out of hiding. so i went looking around the tank for it and didnt find it so i went looking on the outside for it and i.......found him dried up on the floor :-( .

i might get anouther firefish im not sure. anyone have suggestions that would work. itll have to be reef and invert safe and compatible with my green clown gobby and true percula clwon fish. and small of course.
they have a reputation for jumping, if you get another make sure you fix the holes in your tank's lid.

i know....i have a glass top and the only opening is where my equipment is and i keep a towl there to cover it but i guess i left a small enough opening for it to jump out. i had a look on liveaquaria.com and now im trying to decide between a purple fire fish, red fire fish and a hi fin red banded goby.
Sorry to hear this, I have run in to this problem twice and now have some small peices of eggcrate where I have holes in my lid to stop this happening again
The purple fire-fish are gorgeous and have that irredecent shine you get with cardinal tetra under actnic lighting.

I agree with bunjiweb. I can't understand why people go ga-ga for the Helfrichi's firefish, when, IMO, the purple firefish (decorated firefish) is drop dead beautiful. Firefish are CLASSICALLY known as jumpers. In fact, some recommend building up the side of tank that is kept hoodless.

Sorry for your loss....I lost a firefish in my cassette skimmer. Drowned. SH
thanks everyone. i just got back from a lfs to pick up some R/O water. I decided to get a hi fin red banned goby. hes acclimating right now. hes just so pretty. cost me 18 dollars.....plus 2.50 for 10 gal of water and 16 for live phyto plankton for my feather dusters.
Yes...an alpheus can form a symbiosis with that goby. What size tank and what are your inhabitants? This is my yashia haze and Randall's banded pistol:


my tank is a ten gal with 1 true percula clown, 1 green clown gobby, 1 skunk cleaner shrimp, 1 hawaian feather duster and some baby ones, 1 zoo frag, 3 hermits, 3 nassarious snails, 3 astrea snails and my hi fin red banned goby.

in the futer i plan to get some soft corals such as kenya tree coral, toodstoal mushroom, mushroom corals, and some more zoos.....once i upgrade my lighting of course.

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