Tire Track Spiny Eel Looking Strange


New Member
Jul 4, 2014
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Hi all,
New to this forum :) It looks great.
Yesterday I purchased a spiny tire track eel. I made a mistake because I did not check it well. I just chose the one with the nicest pattern from all.
Please cehck the video I posted on youtube:
He seems to be breathing heavily, mouth opened and eyes looks strange. What shall I do?
to TFF! Hope you enjoy it here.
He does look to be breathing quite heavily, poor guy. Will need to ask a few questions to help get a better picture.
What size tank? Is it cycled? If so, how did you cycle it? If you don't know what cycling is have a read of THIS.
What are your water parameters? (pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) What brand/type of test kit are you using (liquid or strips)? What are the other fish in the tank and how many are there?
How did you acclimate him? Are there any unusual marks on him like scrapes or redness? Have you tried feeding him? If so, what?
  to TFF!
On top of what ninj said, did you add any chemicals or medications to the tank recently? Also what are the tank mates?
A lil background on these guys, they get 2ft and 6in, so they get massive and will need a very large home, unless you have already obtained this tank then when just need to get the guy looking nice and healthy.
When i had a tire track eel and had to put in meds, that was designed for scaleless fish, my eels and my BGK went crazy with their breathing so i put carbon in the filters and dosed small amounts of salt. You can add more salt depending on the fish in your tank and size of the tank.

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