Tire Track Eel Problem


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2007
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the problem is wal mart just got some in and i want one but dont have anywhere to put it. they are beasts too. the largest is maybe 10". i would have gotten one tonight but the lovely (sarcasm) "sales associate" couldnt find the price and wouldnt sell it to me at peacock eel price. i dont like him. though it might be good. i really should quarantine it and treat for parasites. not to mention the fact that all of them are so big already they are liable to eat most if not all my present fishies including my new favorite baby senegal. so maybe i can work my arsse off and earn enough money real quick to set up a quarantine tank before they sell all of the good ones. i hope so. *i wish* *i wish* *i wish* *i wish* *i wish* so lets hope it happens. any advice on taking care of them if i do get one here in the next few weeks.
I dont know anything about them but good luck! I would definately get the quarentine tank if at all possible. If you do i wouldnt treat for parasites unless you see that it needs it. Good Luck. I hope it works out for you.
thank you so much. i hope it does work out for me in a way that is prosperous for me. they get to be about 30" in the aquarium so im gona have to get a big tank here before long. 180 gallons to be exact. thats crazy. lucky for me i know how to diy through most projects so i can save a lot of money with it. thanks ill let you know how it goes.
i got them!!!!! :good: two to be exact. they are hiding right now so maybe ill post some pictures later. im moving them to a bigger qt tank anyway..... actually its a community tank im moving everything else out of and relocating to other aquariums. their names are The Craken (from Pirates of the Caribbean) and Epoch (an epoch being a very long period of time, and TT eels are very long themselves).
Congratulations. Like i said thou just keep monitoring the chemical levels because i know it is a kinda new tank.
ya the filter is new. the tank has been being used as a betta tank (5 gallons) so it does have some beneficial bacteria. i gotta say though, iv given it some thought and i think now that this was a mistake simply for the reason that i do not have the final tank to put them in rigth now, and while its not out of my range to get it in time i think its best if i take this a little slower. im obsessed with this hobby and want to keep getting more and more fish and tanks. but i have got to use my intellectual side and not my emotional side and realize that there will be plenty of time for me to get all of these things i want. so i am actively trying to find a good new home for them; iv got a friend at a lfs who im talking to about that. i think its just going to be too much of a commitment to put forth all that money right now. idk. i have to think about it. i might still keep them but im not sure. got any insights on the situation i might not see? btw, how fast do they grow a year? that is kind of an important piece of info in deciding whether or not to keep them.
I actually had that problem too, I bought a dragon goby and had it in a ten gallon tank by itself and i kept thinking to myself, ill get a bigger tank for it. But then i started thinking about the costs and everything else and decided it wasnt wise to try to keep the fish so i took it back the next day. and wow yea 5 gallons for 2 eels is very small. im not sure how fast they do grow, but i do know that if you keep them in a small container when they are trying to grow it will stunt the which in eventually kill them. I think unless you can keep a bigger than 5 gallon tank soon, that you should take them back.
and wow yea 5 gallons for 2 eels is very small. im not sure how fast they do grow, but i do know that if you keep them in a small container when they are trying to grow it will stunt the which in eventually kill them.

exactly, that was my concern. iv seen large pond fish have had that happen to them and its just horrible. i hate that some ppl arent responsible enough to take care of them. which is why im taking them back now... my plans have gotten kinks in them. i had no intention what-so-ever to keep them in there beyond this coming weekend at the very latest. i figured i could could get the 55 running by then and make everything ok. but it doesnt look like its working out that way. and the further down the road i look right now it just seems like i will continuously be faced with the daunting task of scraping together the money to get an even larger tank. unless conditions change it looks like i will probably have to put this whole thing on hold and wait till i am properly prepared to keep such fish. im sure i will enjoy it more though that way. just imagine going out and having all the readily available financial means to have a true monster fish tank installed in your house and knowing you can easily afford it. it'd be more enjoyable that way.
yes it definately would be. i cant wait to get a monster tank. I mean i have a 55 gallon now, with no intention of selling or getting rid of until im at a place i know i wont be moving, know i can afford to maintain my bigger tank, and of course plan out what exactly it will house, costs, etc. but when it comes all together it will be worth it.
apart from the money its the moving part that gets me. assume money isnt a problem, a 300 gallon tank, which is something like 6' x 3' x 2', is a beast in itself to move not to mention that it holds beasts which they themselves are hard to move let alone catch. basically the more i think about this the more i think its best if for right now to just stick with my betta tanks and my planted 10 gallon which i am working on.
~planted journal~

that and i need to get a minimum 30 gallon here by mid~fall when my senegal starts to get too big for the smaller tanks. ill probably put him in a 30 gallon just to make it easier to move if i have to deal with that here in the next year or so. oh, and just as an interesting FYI for you, i just turned the lights on to look at the eels since i know they are nocturnal and should be out and about... they have a different color scheme for night time. they seem to be all brown including theyr underside instead of simply brown patches. thats kinda cool. it is too bad i shouldnt keep them, they are pretty awsum fish.
Did I read it right that you have 2 10" tyre track eels in a 5 gallon tank?

The bioload is too much, tyre tracks need space and they eat a lot! I have 2 20" trye tracks in a 1200 litre aquarium.

I know impulse buying is easy to do ( I have done it myself so many times ) but the eels will not live long in such a small tank

apart from the money its the moving part that gets me. assume money isnt a problem, a 300 gallon tank, which is something like 6' x 3' x 2', is a beast in itself to move not to mention that it holds beasts which they themselves are hard to move let alone catch. basically the more i think about this the more i think its best if for right now to just stick with my betta tanks and my planted 10 gallon which i am working on.
~planted journal~
<a href="http://www.fishforums.net/content/Oddballs-institute/245044/http-www-fishforums-net-index-php-showtopic-245044/" target="_blank">http://www.fishforums.net/content/Oddballs...owtopic-245044/</a>

that and i need to get a minimum 30 gallon here by mid~fall when my senegal starts to get too big for the smaller tanks. ill probably put him in a 30 gallon just to make it easier to move if i have to deal with that here in the next year or so. oh, and just as an interesting FYI for you, i just turned the lights on to look at the eels since i know they are nocturnal and should be out and about... they have a different color scheme for night time. they seem to be all brown including theyr underside instead of simply brown patches. thats kinda cool. it is too bad i shouldnt keep them, they are pretty awsum fish.

30 gall isnt large enough for a Senegal or any Polypterus tbh.

And as stated a 5gall tank for 2 10" eels....you having a laugh!
a local fish store took them.it seems like a quality place too so i feel confident that they are much more likely to end up in better hands. i am open to suggestions so may i ask why do you think a 30 gallon is too small for an adult senny? cause if it really is then i need to adjust my planning and not just stick him in there cause i feel like it despite info to the contrary. in other words what size tank would you recommend for one adult senegal bichir and why, oh, and gallonage means nothing, i need tank dimensions. the 30 g i am looking at is 36"L x 12"W. would that not be enough?

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