Tire Track Eel feeding


New Member
Nov 21, 2004
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Hi all,
I have a Tire Track Eel (Mastacembelus armatus) in my tank

I feed this eel only with small peaces of red meat, i tried bottom-feed, basic food but nothing :huh:

Any other foods for this eel? :sad:

hi :)

you should probably post that in the forum specifically for asking questions, as this one is for introducing yourself. sure is a cute little guy though, hope you get all your questions answered!!
I have two of these amazing fish, i feed them a variety of bloodworms, mosquito larve, brine shrimp and some flake food. By far there favourite has to be the bloodworms they eat it right out of my hand :D
Feeding Asain Eels can often be hard at first. Most eels will only accept live foods at first so try bloodworms, glassworm, brineshrimp and daphnia, with larger fish you could also try ghost shrimp. When the fish is feeding well on live foods you can begin to switch to frozen foods. :)
I feed my peacock eel(spiney eel) bloodworms. He loves them. But honestly if you can get your peacock eel to eat red meat, its probably alot easier to just continue that. Just make sure he gets enough nutrition from it.

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