Tire Track Eel Behavior Question


New Member
Mar 17, 2009
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After much research I obtained a 3-4 inch tire track eel 4 dys ago from local store in which this eel and others were in or under the gravel, as expected. Upon placing the eel in my tank, he carefully and deliberately examined the entire tank. Occasionally he would burrow less than half his length into the gravel, then immediately back out again. Since then, the eel spends almost all his time hanging on the heater suction cup or on a plant. He will cruise the tank rather languidly every little while, stopping for short amounts of time on a large rock or among a pile of rocks. The eel's behavior is consistent all day and night. One-third of this 30L tank has rather small, standard gravel (placed specifically for the eel) and two-thirds of the tank has larger pebbles. There are several plants and rocks, but plenty of open gravel area. There are no other fish in the tank. Does anyone have any idea why the eel would not be burrowing in the gravel? I am actually thankful that he does not burrow as this allows me to enjoy him more than I would otherwise, but I worry about his well-being. Thank you in advance for your ideas. In the meantime, I'm thinking of placing a PVC pipe in the tank.
Sand would be a much better substrate I would have thought, maybe the gravel is too big/abbrasive for him? Also just incase you didn't know a 30 litre wont house a tire track eel for long, they get very big 2ft+ is a real possibility.

A PVC pipe will make a nice addition for the eel, so I'd add one.
I have a tire track eel, which is circa 13" - he spends most of his time near some artificial coral and always returns to the
exact spot after feeding/exploring. He never really goes under the gravel 'i have coral sand' so I would expect that he has
just found a place for him to live and call home.

I also have several spinney eels - now these do actually go under the coral sand.

I have a 24" fire eel also, but he just stays under some artificial coral.

Heres a vid of my tank and the fire eel....

After much research I obtained a 3-4 inch tire track eel 4 dys ago from local store in which this eel and others were in or under the gravel, as expected. Upon placing the eel in my tank, he carefully and deliberately examined the entire tank. Occasionally he would burrow less than half his length into the gravel, then immediately back out again. Since then, the eel spends almost all his time hanging on the heater suction cup or on a plant. He will cruise the tank rather languidly every little while, stopping for short amounts of time on a large rock or among a pile of rocks. The eel's behavior is consistent all day and night. One-third of this 30L tank has rather small, standard gravel (placed specifically for the eel) and two-thirds of the tank has larger pebbles. There are several plants and rocks, but plenty of open gravel area. There are no other fish in the tank. Does anyone have any idea why the eel would not be burrowing in the gravel? I am actually thankful that he does not burrow as this allows me to enjoy him more than I would otherwise, but I worry about his well-being. Thank you in advance for your ideas. In the meantime, I'm thinking of placing a PVC pipe in the tank.

i'm sorry if this sounds harsh but i feel that if you had done your research you would have found out that tire tracks are just about the biggest of the spiny eel family and you're looking at around 180g to hold one. 30L is too small to be even used as a holding tank (unless it's less than a week or so). if you're going to get a bigger tank, good for you. you can be a good owner for the eel. if not, i'm sorry but it would have to go.

now to address the behavior question. as what you wrote, it's all normal behavior. some spiny eels just don't burrow, while some couldn't care less about the gravel and its size and just wants to get underneath it. you'd have a better chance of burrowing with sand which would also be a lot less harsh on the eel's delicate skin. gravel too coarse causes wounds and provokes high chances of infection.

you can try having pvc piping under or above the substrate, either way the eel would find its way into them and if it does it'd probably stay there most of the time.
Thanks to everyone for your responses. I believe a 30L is a great place to start my 3-4 inch eel. In my post, I did say I'd researched the fish. I understand that he will need to move up to larger tanks and I am well prepared for that. In the meantime, I enjoy having him by himself in a 30L tank where I can carefully attend to him. Thanks again.
'oops i didnt address the size -v- tank issue'

you do need a big tank for these eels - ive seen way too many people on youtube that have monster eels in small tanks, but
doing that is just so cruel. I couldnt imagine my 24" fire eel in a smaller tank, and my tank is near 1000ltrs!
'oops i didnt address the size -v- tank issue'

you do need a big tank for these eels - ive seen way too many people on youtube that have monster eels in small tanks, but
doing that is just so cruel. I couldnt imagine my 24" fire eel in a smaller tank, and my tank is near 1000ltrs!

Sorry, I guess I have not made myself very clear. My eel is less than four (4) inches long. Between three (3) and four (4) inches long.

Over and out. Finis.

Thank you for your concerns.
seriously, being factious is really not appreciated lol. we are just offering advice for future reference, we do not mean
to come across as might than tho and/or offering advice that you feel not relevant.

more than often, you will hear people giving advice based upon their own experiences, and will offer that advise whether
it is in relation to you now, or at a later date, the reason being, it will give you a heads up.

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