Tips On Water Changing Pls


Fish Fanatic
Aug 6, 2007
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hey, whats your tips on water changing,?

what equipment do you use and find easy...and what do you put back in...

a nice guide/hints tips would be helpful thanks
Well for me:

Keep a bucket of RO with salt in, under or near the tank at all times.

Mix the next lot just after the water change.

Use a Maxjet to mix then a 12mm hose will fit the outlet to pump the water in.

Us a WC too cool the tank if its too hot.

Make sure you measure the temp of the WC water and adjust the SG reading accordingly.
Make sure you measure the temp of the WC water and adjust the SG reading accordingly.

How do you know how much to adjust the reading based on temp? I keep reading bits about the effect of temp on SG but nothing which explains the amount it changes at different temps..
Heh, good question idlefingers... I just cheat and use a refractometer that measures salnity :)
I use a refractometer as well but in the instructions it mentioned the temps and I got confused (not an unusual occurrence)
The thing is with a refractometer you are only measuring the SG of, literally a drop of water.

The drop of water will heat up to room temperature very quickly, which is generally going to be the right temperature to measure... this is the explanation my refractometers instructions gave for putting the water in and then waiting 20 seconds any way ;)
Oh okay.. my refrac is auto temp adjusting and I leave it to sit for 30 secs before reading it so I must just be overcomplicating matters.

Sorry for taking the thread a little off-topic, matalan! ;)
ha no prblem to share your methods for the topic?

also im not sure what RO and WC mean :)

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