Tips For Reducing Nitrates


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2006
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Hi All,

My 75 has been running for about 5 months now but I'm still gathering Nitrate readings of about 10ppm. I know this is not good because my corals aren't doing too well with them at that level. Here are my stats -

75 US gallon
80lbs - live rock
30 gallon sump with Bio balls
In-Sump refugium (about 12 gallons) - Chetemorpha (I apologize for the spelling).
130 watt T-5 lighting ( updating to a 260 watt compact soon).
Seaclone Skimmer - 24/7

stocking -
1 cinnimon clown
1 Yellow Tang
1 Firefish
2 Orci Cardinals
5 Green Chromis

10-15% Weekly Water change

Once a day - sinking pellets
Sea Veggie Clips (can not remember the name)

I am shortly (week or so) be purchasing more live rock to replace the bio-balls. Could this be the reason for the higher nitrate levels. I understand that they can harbor nitrates. Are there any other options I should be using. It is very depressing watching my Softies not open up fully because of this problem.

Thanks a bunch.
Well you are correct, bioballs will lead to some higher nitrates, but 10ppm usually will not bother softies. What are your phosphate, calcium, and alkalinity measurements? Also whats your flowrate like? Low? High?
1. Remove the nitrate balls (sorry bioballs).
2. Make sure you use RO water as tap water has high levels already.
3. Do not overfeed.
4. Make sure you have at least 20x circulation flow around live rock, absolute minimum 30+x recommended.
5. Grow some cheato.
6. Upgrade the skimmer.

In that order.

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