Tips for People


Fish Crazy
Oct 15, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere over the rainbow...
Bettas like bigger spaces, although it can live in very small spaces. The place where I got mine was in a small cup. When I transfered him into a gallon bowl, he was very happy, and seemed to be more healthy and active.

Feeding bloodworms to your betta as a regular, daily food is WRONG. If you do that, there will be too much protein, and will cause your betta to have constipation. Buy some betta pellets immidiately. You might have some trouble trying to get your betta to eat the pellets, but keep dropping some in every day. Eventually he will know that he is NOT getting bloodworms every day anymore, and that he will have to eat them, or he will starve.

It's good to have a nice, strong live plant in the place where your betta is living. Bettas like to hide, so some plants might make it happier and reduce stress. Also, it does that whole gas exchange thing, so that the water will be They also look cool. Make sure that they get light (not direct light, but near), and that there are no snails on it. Make sure that the plant is sturdy, and will not rot in a few days.

Bettas breathe air sometimes. They have an organ that lets them breathe air directly from the surface, because their gills are poorly constucted. So please leave an opening at the top.

Those little bubbles that you see are called bubblenests. They are a good sign, meaning that your betta is healthy and feeling good enough to breed.

Bettas jump. Do not fill the water to the brim.

Bettas like warm water. Replace the cold with warm every few hours.

A betta's stomach is around the size of it's eyeball. DO NOT OVERFEED!
Hi FlareBettaGuy and welcome to the forum :hi: It's good to have you here.

Bettas do like their water warmer than what is usually room temperature. But, it is better to keep it this way by using a heater than by such frequent water changes. The constantly changing temperature is not a good thing for them or for any other fish. Better to pick one temperature and keep it that way.
Bettas all have a fishanality all their own! don't think because one Betta likes flakes and other fish that the next will too; he might hate other fish and love brine shrimp!

same with tanks; some like big spaces where they can roam, others like small places where they feel safe.
Wow, I've been getting a whole education about bettas here. :D They are so like my gouramis, yet so different, too.

And after seeing pictures of how beautiful they are these days---the colors are fantastic---I have a feeling there will be a betta in my future. :nod:
FlareBettaGuy said:
Bettas breathe air sometimes. They have an organ that lets them breathe air directly from the surface, because their gills are poorly constucted. So please leave an opening at the top.

Those little bubbles that you see are called bubblenests. They are a good sign, meaning that your betta is healthy and feeling good enough to breed.
These fish will breathe atmospheric air because they are whats know as Labyrinth fish the do not breath air because there gills are poorly constructed there breathe air due to the fact the genome has evolved due to the habitate the live in breathing air from the surface because in the pools they suvive in dueing the summer months the deprvation of oxygen in the water is not substancial enough to sustane them as being there need to have to breathe that way

Question: What is a Labyrinth fish?

Answer: A labyrinth fish is a fish that uses a special organ called the labyrinth to breathe air from the surface of the water.

How can they do that? When they gulp air from the surface it gets forced into the labyrinth organ. In the labyrinth there are lots of small maze-like compartments of thin boney plates called lamellae. The lamellae are covered with membranes. Blood passes through the membranes and the oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream.

If a labyrinth fish ends up out of the water it can stay alive for a long time if it stays moist. In fact they can even crawl across land to a different body of water if they have to. The climbing perch has a labyrinth organ so it can breathe out of water, and can even climb trees. That's what I call traveling!!

There are over six dozen species of labyrinth fishes. They are part of the family called Anabantoidei. Their home is in Africa and Southeast Asia. Labyrinth fishes that are found in pet stores are the gouramis and the bettas. Some of the popular ones are:

Blue Gourami

Chocolate Gourmi

Dwarf Gourami

Giant Gouarmi

Honey Gourami

Kissing Gourami

Moonlight Gourami

Paradish Fish

Pearl Gourami

Powder Blue Gourami

Snakeskin Gourami

Sunset Gourami

And the tiny bubble made are not due to them being healthy and feeling good enough to breed its due to the old air being left as the take a new breathe

when in condition for spawning the males constuct a bubble nest which is far easier to notice as the bubles are in a more dense cluster and he will gaurd it and stay underneither it continually building to it and reparing it as needs it

while the females produe a plumper body and also a small "egg spot" a little white mark around her vent when in condition for spawning

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