Tips for Moving Aquarium


New Member
Jun 10, 2004
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I've had my 40Gallon running in my College Dorm for about a year now, but now i'm moving off campus. What is the best way to transport my fish to the new apartment.

More specifically, what are the steps to do this? I'm guessing i'll need to save most of the water in the tank. Stresscoat for the fish, but what else.

I'm scared of killing my fishies, help!
I'm no expert but from what i've heard you need to:

bag up the fish making sure you fill the bags with lots of oxygen. The bag should be hard to push due to the amount of oxygen in there.

Then get a bucket and add in the filter and any gravel/sand. Then fill with water from the tank. (This process is to keep the bacteria alive)

Bag/bucket all plants/ornments etc.

Then empty tank and clean/transport
Fill with water add gravel, filter,heater and start running.
Add plants and ornents etc.

Once heated add the fish as you would new fish

This should keep the tank cycled.

Your basically doing a 90% water change which is very stressful.

I don't know anything about stress coat but it sounds good. my help with stress of the fish.
newland said:
I'm no expert but from what i've heard you need to:

bag up the fish making sure you fill the bags with lots of oxygen. The bag should be hard to push due to the amount of oxygen in there.

Then get a bucket and add in the filter and any gravel/sand. Then fill with water from the tank. (This process is to keep the bacteria alive)

Bag/bucket all plants/ornments etc.

Then empty tank and clean/transport
Fill with water add gravel, filter,heater and start running.
Add plants and ornents etc.

Once heated add the fish as you would new fish

This should keep the tank cycled.

Your basically doing a 90% water change which is very stressful.

I don't know anything about stress coat but it sounds good. my help with stress of the fish.
Just one thing I would add...............

Occasionally tanks can develope a leak even with the most careful handling...there is a lot of pressure in a 40 gal which is released when the tank is emptied...It probably won't happen! All I am saying is, it is good to have a contingency plan just in case!!!

Good luck!
I've moved countless times, and these are my tips:

1) Don't waste your time and effort moving water. There is no bacteria in the water. So what about fish? Well, you didn't bring all the fish stores tank water home when you bought them, right? Nuff said.

2) Absolutely bag the fish, save yourself the hassle and mess of buckets and stuff. Bag the filter media too in the same way. Place the bags in coolers (styrofoam disposables, or whatever), this way the temp is kept stable and the fish are in darkness. Later you can float the bags to adjust the temp to the tanks.

3)Don't rush the fish into the tank, let the equipment run for a while first, makes sure oxygen is added, co2 is gassed out, and the temperature is up to par. The fish are good for many hours in the bags.

4) Don't feed the fish for 3 days or so before the move. Let them clear their systems so they keep the bags clean.

5) Don't underestimate the resiliance of the fish, they're tougher then they get credit for.
Good luck with the move and i hope it all goes well.
Wow. I love this forum. Great Tips guys, thanks so much!!!

Now, where Can i buy i stand for my tank with wheels? lol

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