Tip: Nice 10g At Petco


Fish Addict
May 25, 2005
Reaction score
Northern California
I went to Petco the other day, looking for another 10g with a hood. Just a 10g with a hood costs like $40, but I found a really cute blue-framed/hooded 10g with a nice metal (or wrought iron?) stand for only $60! The stand has a shelf that you can stash another 10g or a few smaller tanks on. The set also comes in red :thumbs:

It was originally $120, I would never pay that much for it, but for $60 it was definitely worth it. If you have a Petco nearby, it's worth calling in to see if they have any left! I haven't found any pics of it online, but I'll get pics up once I divide it and add Bettas!!!
WOW that sounds great!!!! I could definitely use something like that... but unfortunately I live in the middle of nowhere and there's no Petco in more than an hour's drive. :( Glad you found such an awesome deal though. :D

10 gallon, all-glass box, no hood/light, accessories, substrate, or fish: $60.

:-( You all suck.
WTH Soritan!? Honestly? That's insane :X

Also, I just divided it with the plastic canvas/report cover trick, and used aquarium sealant. It looks horrible, wow, so much sealant everywhere. But at least I know they'll be safe!
Are you all sure you are talking the same dollars? Canadian dollars are different than US and who knows where Soritan lives and commerces? --Someplace with complete sentences and dry humor. :lol:

Usually though it takes more Canadian dollars than US???
Eehn, I usually get antsy talking about where I live in public forums, mostly because this world is so darn small. I could whisper where I come from and 30s later, someone goes, "OMG I KNOW YOU, YOU HAVE THE WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE!!" :D

I'm in a village in A1aska.

:shifty: ... or am I?
Oh! Yeah!! That place! :good:

Actually I thought you were in some little Island getaway in the Far East! :p

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