Tiny Snail


Fish Fanatic
Oct 7, 2006
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Western USA
:blink: I just found a tiny tiny snail in my ten gallon. It must have came in with my plants. Is it a 'mystery snail'? It's shell is brown and it's body is dark, with two antennae. The shell is swirled into three segments, and it's kinda off to the side. It's not like ramshorn or trumpet snails. And do mystery snails harm planted tanks? Right now I have it in a little critter carrier with some hornwort stems and tank water. Should I get rid of it or put it back in the tank? Thanks in advance. :D
'Mystery snails' dont eat plants but some other types of apple snails do (these types also get massive).
Does they snail look like this?:
Well if it's that its a trapdoor snail, they get pretty big like applesnails, and give birth to live young.
They need cold water though, they cant live in a tropical tank long-term, so you may have to put him in the critter keeper. They need water between 18-14 celcius.
He can stay in your tank if its a coldwater tank, since it wont eat plants :good: .
Well if it's that its a trapdoor snail, they get pretty big like applesnails, and give birth to live young.
They need cold water though, they cant live in a tropical tank long-term, so you may have to put him in the critter keeper. They need water between 18-14 celcius.
He can stay in your tank if its a coldwater tank, since it wont eat plants :good: .
:) Thanks very much! What does it eat? Algae, lettuce, cucumbers? It's kinda cute...>_>; XDD :drool:
All of the above as a main diet, they also eat shrimp pellets and I personally think it's important to include a little non-green food in their diet.
In the wild they would eat lots of algae but they are scavengers so would get other food like fish every now and then :good: .
It's probably just a pest snail, not a trapdoor..

Some people report that they eat plants, while others haven't had plant eaters. Mine don't eat live plants, but will munch on dying/dead plants.
I doubt it's trapdoor, those aren't seen commonly in the aquaria trade, though they are very common in pond-keeping. It's probably a pest snail.
I believe what you have is a Common Pond Snail (The one in the picture by ~T~). They are known to be hitchhikers in plants. They are also known as "pest snails" but I have them in my shrimp tank as pets :)
Three-fingers, I have that snail that you posted pics of first. I got it accidentally and i assumed it is a ramshorn snail. So, is that a ramshorn or am i wrong?

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