Tiny Shrimp Army.


Fish Fanatic
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
South Wales.Rhondda.
I've got 3 shrimps in by 4ft community tank.I wasn't sure what they were when i bought them as they were sold as algae shrimps.They turn out, now they are lots bigger, to be chameleon long arm shrimps.Seems i have 2 females and the one with the big claws is a male shrimp.
The females regularly produce broods of eggs which they carry around until they hatch.The females then fan the shrimplets out into the water.
My problem is that i thought all the baby shrimps would be eaten as there are some big fish in there.But no,i keep getting lots of survivors and it's becoming a shrimp army.When a biggy fish grabs one that has grown abit, but is still bite sized,it rapidly spits it back out.That's because the titchy shrimplet grabs the fishes mouth with it's little claws.
Help i'm getting overrun. :hyper:
sounds like ur having fun, i had some shrimps too, not sure what ones, they survived for bout a year then all of a sudden disappeared???????

mine had lost of babies to but god knows what happened to em, one day they were there, the next gone, trippy ......
I always see my ghost shrimp with clusters of eggs but I never see anything further on than that.....my corries and clown loach must eat them.

Dont worry about getting over run with them, you will probably never see more than a few eggs.
I have thrown loads of plants away and taken out some bogwood so as to provide less hiding places though it's still jungle like in there.I don't want to make it too open as my peacock eel and kulie loaches like hiding in there.I've noticed that the newly released baby shrimps do get eaten.It's only the ones that hide and can survive one or two moults make it as then they have developed their tiny claws to defend themselves.
I've counted about 30-40 of them that have survived to this stage when they all come running to eat flake food.The female shrimps produce batches of around 50-100 per month.They carry the eggs underneath their bodies until they hatch and are released as little shrimps.
I posted this topic because i've noticed other peoples comments about how all tiny shrimps get eaten and i expected mine to go the same way.

'help' you mean buy them/take them off your hands, then are these shrimps aggressive to fish at all

I've not got any really small fish which may be in danger.The rather large butterfly fish ate those when they came to the surface for food. :crazy:
These shrimps do seem to hold their own against all my fish, which are big compared even to the adult shrimps.They warn them off with their claws especially at feeding time. :)

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