Tiny Organisms On My Walls...need Help Fast!


Fish Herder
Jan 7, 2014
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What are these tiny organisms on my aquarium walls?!
 They are tiny, around the size of a line in quotation marks. " <<<Tiny!!
There are two types...one that looks like a tadpole with antennae, and one that looks like a lobster. Both are off white. Here are some pics, sorry, I would need a macro lens to get them in clear.

That one is the tadpole variety. It swims in a "squirt" like fashion, darting along to the other wall.


Same swimming.
What I'm afraid of is that I used food to cycle the tank in the first part. Did I hatch some parasite into my cycling tank with a noob mistake?
Will these guys hurt shrimp or fish? Does anyone know what they are?!

I need help fast because the tank is nearly ready for fish.

If anyone needs me to draw them I will.
Do you have any plants in the tank?

Are they stuck to the glass, or can you wipe them away fairly easily? The "lobster" is probably a group of these dudes, whatever they are. They almost look like baby snails, but they really don't swim as you've described.
And my mom found tiny white worms. Planaria?
Yes, two temporary artificials, swords, and a crypt. Also some Mopani
They dart away from my finger.
The white worms are likely planaria. Don't worry much about them. They are found in tanks when there is excess food (since you've been using food as the ammonia source, this would make sense). I have planaria in one of my tanks. Though I never add food to this tank, they survive in the dirt portion of my substrate and feed on plant matter (I guess) as I often find them in the roots of my floating plants. Many fish eat these guys. You can typically get rid of them with a good water change an gravel vac.
My new sword melts a bit too, so they may be enjoying that.
Anything on the..I guess I'll can them, "dudes?"
So there are plants in the tank. Have you added any recently? Can you reach in with a sponge or a rag or something and wipe the guys off the glass? It's hard to know precisely what they because they are so small. My first instinct was baby snails, but there are other things, like hydra. I don't know much about hydra though, so I wouldn't be able to ID them.

When did you first start noticing the little dudes?
Yeah sounds like cyclops for the "tadpoles and lobsters" and possible planaria for the worms although if they were not found on the glass of the tank they might be detrious worms.  Planaria can be an issue with shrimp and fry but for adult fish they should cause no problems.
Okie dokie, thanks guys!
Sorry for the fake emergency, I was so excited about the tank being done these guys really scared me.
Call off emergency.

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