Tiny organisms on dirtwood


Fish Fanatic
Jul 26, 2003
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I have a peice of drift wood in my 20 gallon and it has little white things on it. They are some type of...bug? I don't know what to call them. They are definitly alive and move a lot. They don't seem to go anywhere except on the surface of the wood. They are on about half the wood, and in groups.

The wood was once used for reptiles, about 5 years ago. I boiled it and soaked it for a while before puting it into my tank.

Does anyone know what they are? The fish, livebearers, don't seem to eat them.

If no one suggests anything different i'm just going to remove it, and soak it in boiling water a for a while.
Hmmm....interesting. I don't think I can help you much. I am on my second piece of driftwood to date. I have a pleco that LOVES to suck on the thing and he finally sucked right through the first piece (It took about 3 years), so I just replaced it about a month or two ago. I have never had the little bug-like things :huh: but I do know that it is supposed to support micro-organisms too small to see. I don't know if my pleco just eats the white things and I never see them or if you really have an unusual bug. Do you have a pleco?

I put a piece of the old driftwood in my breeder tank to help feed my danio fry. They are too small to eat any visible food at birth and it seemed to work. :p Never anything I can see on it though. Please post back if you find out what it is. I'm a driftwood fan and have never had that happen before...Good luck!

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