Tiny nick in glass


New Member
Dec 30, 2023
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Hello, my son noticed a tiny nick on the outside of our 30 gallon tank. It’s really small, hard to see, and you cannot feel it on the inside. There’s no leak or anything. Should I be looking for a new tank, or is there something I can do to reinforce it…or is it okay as long as it doesn’t get bigger? I’ve put scotch tape over it just so nothing gets in it for now. Thanks
Hello, my son noticed a tiny nick on the outside of our 30 gallon tank. It’s really small, hard to see, and you cannot feel it on the inside. There’s no leak or anything. Should I be looking for a new tank, or is there something I can do to reinforce it…or is it okay as long as it doesn’t get bigger? I’ve put scotch tape over it just so nothing gets in it for now. Thanks
Could we see a picture? Or is it too small to see even in a photo?
Hello, my son noticed a tiny nick on the outside of our 30 gallon tank. It’s really small, hard to see, and you cannot feel it on the inside. There’s no leak or anything. Should I be looking for a new tank, or is there something I can do to reinforce it…or is it okay as long as it doesn’t get bigger? I’ve put scotch tape over it just so nothing gets in it for now. Thanks
Hello. As long as you keep an eye on it, you should be fine. A small chip in a small tank isn't a big deal. If the damage is more cosmetic than anything, there's not enough water pressure put on the glass in a small tank to create a problem. If you're the only one who will see it and you're okay with it, then no worries.

Most of the time, it's no problem. It depends on where it is and how deep it is. They're usually on an edge, and stay as they are for years.
There was an advert about a small stone chip on a car window and how you should get it fixed. A small chip left unattended has a possibility of becoming a problem.
Myself I'm extremely cautious and wouldn't use it. There will be a weak point in that glass now. 30 gallons is a lots of water to lose if that cracks. My caution is also ramped up as I live on a 1st floor.
I agree with previous responses: a picture would help, a small chip is not a concern, most of the time it’s not a problem. I’d add that if you feel it should be repaired because the chip gets larger, then a new tank would be a better solution as I don’t see how a patch over the chip would restore the tank’s structural integrity.
A car’s windscreen is a bit different from a fish tank though as the windscreen is subject to vibrations as soon as the ignition is turned on, but not subject to pressure from inside like water pressure in a fish tank.

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