Tiny Moving Specks!


Fish Addict
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Queens, NY
I need urgent help on this one. I noticed what seemed to be dust on my entire tank hood and filter top, including all over the canister of food that was sitting on the back of the hood. I took a wet towel and wiped it off and much as I can when I noticed the specks were moving! It seems to be some sort of mite. I wiped and washed the entire hood and filter top and within a week later, they were back. Has anyone ever experienced this? How do I get rid of them permanently? THey are no where else in the house. Please respond urgently.
They probably live in the moisture from the tank.
They will more than likely be harmless and just unsightly.
Cut back on feeding the fish and do more in the way of water changes and clean the tank hood and surrounding area each day and the numbers should go down.

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