tiny little baby leopard puffer.


Fish Crazy
May 19, 2003
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yesterday i went to the store to pick up some new filter media for my tank and i was browsing through the fish section and i cam across these little tiny "figure eight" puffers. they are labeled as figure eights but i believe they are leopards because the pattern is more spots and no figure eights. im not sure if this is just because of its small size or what. but anyway, back to to the reason i am posting. i remembered a while pack reading that young puffers will do fine in freshwater. this is only about 1/2" long so i figured i could also put it in my community tank with no problem and it will grow up and get along with everyone else. is this true??
ive had no problems as of now. he is doing just fine swimming around exploring the tank and even going very close to the other fish and they dont seem to mind. the tiger barb has never been aggressive towards any of my other fish so tht shouldnt be a problem. will the puffer survive as it grows in freshwater or will i need to transfer it to a brackish setup when it matures. also, if it will be fine in freshwater, what are the chances that it will keep on getting along with my other fish when it grows and it realizes that it is bigger than everyone else?
thanks in advance
We can't tell you whether or not he will be happy in FW for the rest of his life or not untill a positive ID is made (we cant even tell you where it belongs now). But chances are that he whont do well if he gets bigger right now he is probably getting close to the other fish to see who he can make a snack of my DP took bits of the fins of my 3.5 inch redfin shark at only .5 inches It would be a good idea to only keephim with fast moveing target fish (barbs and danios are best) and armoured catfish whos fins are not very tasty.

I'd have to agree, puffers are generally pretty nippy and will turn those purty fins into a full belly over night

If it is a figure 8 i do believe those guys do best in BW
Here are pictures of the two fish.
Juvinile Leopard puffer, better know as the Green Spotted puffer

Figure 8 puffer

In any case, Both of these puffers will tear your fish to shreads, especialy the tetras, their is almost no chance of these puffers being compatable with your community, especialy if your tank is under 30 gallons. when older the puffers will need a salinity of about 1.005-1.010, and will need to be in at least a 20 gallon alone. If it is a figure 8, you may have two in the tank, but if it a green spotted, then it will have to be alone (green spotten puffers are one of the more nasty ones).
Although your puffer may be acting nice now, puffers get grumpier with age, not nicer.
You should always research your fish before you buy them, I would suggest you tank your puffer back to the store, and try again when you have the resources to take care of these animals. :nod:
I want a puffer..... :hyper: :wub: They look like they are smiling. My favorite fish are rapidly becoming Puffers and Corys (they wink) :cool: , now how to get them to get along..........maybe if I paint the cory green and yellow the puffer will think they are just funny looking puffers..... -_- :rolleyes: Just kidding.

BTW the Rubio's near my home has a marine tank with a big old puffer in it (has spines) but the funny thing is it'll actually follow your finger across (up/down) the aquarium pane. Ive never seen another fish do that.
i had researched this previously i just wanted all ur opinions. for now i will keep it the way it is. i have heard of a few people succesfully keeping puffers in community tanks so i figure the best shot at it is to start when its young. if i see any signs of aggression i will remove him into a bw tank. but for now, wish me luck!
Most people who keep puffers successfully with more submissive fish usually keep the South American puffer (a FW puffer) with less nippy tank mates. you can try for now, but at the first sing of aggression, I urge you to relocate it, as it will go downhill from there. mostly I think it will not work out because you have a lone tiger barb, who will most likely start nipping at the puffer, and when that happens, the tiger barb is history. and lone tetras tend to nip too. if you want to lower the risk, I would suggest you buy a bigger school. What size tank is it?

EDIT: I just wanted to say, that your avatar,Flyhockey1037, is truly disturbing :sick:
lol tyvm, i love my avatar. :lol: everyone tells me that a lone tiger barb is not good, but i have never had a problem with it nipping anyones fins, ever. i dont think u guys understand just how small this puffer is, it really cant nip anything yet. it is about 3/4 of the size of my smallest neon tetra. i will keep watching the situation closely, however, since i seem to be going into uncharted waters....
flyhockey1037 said:
...I dont think u guys understand just how small this puffer is, it really cant nip anything yet. it is about 3/4 of the size of my smallest neon tetra...
Ok, let's look at the evidence,

happy in freshwater
not very nippy

What you have there my friend, is a Dwarf Puffer.
hey i got some pics of the puffer if someone can tell me how to post them i will. i cant figure it out and the tutorial didnt help much..

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