Tiny Guppies...


Fish Fanatic
Jun 18, 2004
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I got a few guppies for my 10gallon tank the other day and noticed today there are about 10 babies, very tiny.

Am I supposed to feed them flakes or what?

I've never dealt with this before.

Thanks for the info,
If you want to raise them, buy yourself a breeding net that attaches to the side of the tank and put them in there, otherwise the bigger fish may eat them. You should feed them 3 - 4 times aday with either finely crushed flakes or buy some liquifry for live bearing fish then watch them growup. Good luck
Thanks for the info,

I have no other types of fish in the tank. Just 3 adult guppies and 2 oto's (oto's wont eat fry right?).
If you have hiding places in the tank and the adults are fed regularly they should leave the fry alone. Don't get a breeding net if you want the fry to grow to normal size. Breeding nets stunt growth, imagine trying to raise a kid in a closet thats the basic comparison to a breeding net. Fry can eat flake food from birth but they need it crushed to small size to fit their tiny mouths. If you can get some freeze dried bloodworms or daphnia the fry will go nuts for it and will grow faster.

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