Tiny Dt Female


Sep 23, 2005
Reaction score
Vancouver Island, BC
I bought a tiny, very young black double tail female a couple of days ago from my LPS. Thing is she's stressed to high heaven. Two horizontal lines run down her sides, at all times. I put her in clean water in an warm, inactive, partially dark part of my room and put the recommended dosage of Stress Coat into the water, but still, nothing is working.

She's also resting on the gravel down at the base of the tank a lot. It doesn't look like she's having trouble swimming and she's eating fine. Is this normal stress for such a young fish? Or?
unless she is showing sighns that she could be sick, i would leave her a couple days. as long as she is eating i think she'll be fine, she just needs some time to get used to her new environment. how long have you had her, she sound sbeutiful, can we see pics? :eek:
Alright. I've had her for around four or five days, can't remember.

I don't have Internet on my home computer right now (I'm on a friend's at the moment.) but I should be getting it back not tomorrow but next Friday, I'll take some picture's and upload them then. :)
I think you should just give her some time to adjust to the new environment. Do you have any plants or decor that she can use as a hiding place?
Good Luck with her. The one I bought last week (that died) was stressed, wasnt eating though,but that one had very thin body. Bless I hope she is ok.
I put her beside one of my males. She was interested but didn't do much.


Oh and she's turned from black to red and green.. blah.
She looks like she has the worries of the world on her..TLC.. I think and make sure she has somewhere to hide.

My beautiful blue betta spends time on floor of tank but I think his fins are too heavy..or is that silly?
There are eight java ferns and two java moss beds in her tank.. she's got plenty of places to hide, but she doesn't, but just sits in the far corner of the tank with her nose in the corner. :/
I'd leave her in a dark, quiet place with nice warm water for a while... Feed her well and all that. She's very cute though :wub:

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