Tiny Betta


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2010
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hi just a quick question, me and my mum were looking at a betta fry growth website at four weeks old and it says that they should be 0.45 inches, when ours are around the size of what a 2 week old fry should look like. the fry are approx four weeks old. they are being fed on microworms but me and mum think that because in their first two or so weeks they weren't fed this they were fed liquifry no.1 and no.2 which people on Google recommended. could this lack of live food have stunted their growth, they are now in a 23L tank with a sponge filter going.
so there are two questions, was it the lack of food that stopped their growth? and how can we speed up their growth?
thanks englishbettas
simply put, more food and more waterchanges. fry secrete hormones that limit the growth of the other fry around them so the only way to get "rid" of them is to do waterchanges or move into a larger volume of water to dilute (and then still do lots of waterchanges). upping the temp in the tank by a degree or two(or more, depending on current setting) also would help speed growth.
each brood is different, just keep feeding them high protein foods. In time you'll need to put all the females in a 40gal tank I think.
there proberly stunted because of the 23l you need about a 20g to grow them on before the males are tubed up
They will soon grow given the best conditions, as someone else already posted, Betta Fry release a hormone which inhibits the growth of other fry, this is another reason why frequent water changes are essential.

Feed them 2-3 times per day on good quality food, mine have a 50% water change every day & a 90% once per week.

There is no magic formula, clean water + clean tank+ good food = healthy fry
hi just a quick question, me and my mum were looking at a betta fry growth website at four weeks old and it says that they should be 0.45 inches, when ours are around the size of what a 2 week old fry should look like. the fry are approx four weeks old. they are being fed on microworms but me and mum think that because in their first two or so weeks they weren't fed this they were fed liquifry no.1 and no.2 which people on Google recommended. could this lack of live food have stunted their growth, they are now in a 23L tank with a sponge filter going.
so there are two questions, was it the lack of food that stopped their growth? and how can we speed up their growth?
thanks englishbettas
Get some baby brine shrimp in them and watch how fast they grow! I have 4 batches of fry about 4 to 6 days apart. Once they get past the first couple days of infusoria their growth rate on BBS is much faster. The 4 day olds are just starting to get fat pink bellies from the BBS, while the 21 day old fry are almost a half inch and will start coloring up in the next week or two.
I am reading here that betta fry release hormones that inhibit maximum growth. I have seen that be the case with common livebearers but didn't know that applied to bettas too.
What is the purpose of releasing this hormone, for wild fish fry what purpose does it serve?

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