Tinfoil Barbs


New Member
Jan 18, 2005
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It's come to my understanding that tinfoil barbs are a pretty large fish when full grown--12 to 14 inches in length. Not only that, but they're really active. So, seeing as they are a schooling fish, how much space would you need for 3 full-grown tinfoil barbs?
It depends on what else you're keeping them in. A 75 gallon is fine for a trio, as long as it's not crowded. This is the absolute minimum though as far as I'm concerned, and the bigger you make it the better off you are - especially because you can add more and keep a proper schoal.

They grow fast at first, but slow down rapidly and can end up taking quite a while to get over 10", and you can slow their growth if you feed them an appropriate veggie diet and don't overfeed. I'm keeping 5 now in a 90 gallon, 5-6 inches each, and I figure in the long run a trio will work out. I have them growing very slow on purpose so I won't have to worry about it for quite a while.
A trio is a "small" group. They are famous tank busters though, and extremely active. A food fish in Thailand, and the surrounding lands. It is a shame, they are spectacular looking fish, but out of range of the average aquarist.

I'm going to go with 100g.

Absolute lawn mowers, so don't expect to plant the tank!

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