Tin Foil barbs looking like group spawning this morning

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
I definitely need to get them their own tank, and out of the Hillstream tank… the 2 larger ones black / grey dorsal fins, not sure if they are the males or females, but witnessed what looked like spawning activity this morning at 1st light… tank is crowded, with the 2 bigger pagodas in the tank, they can swim around them, but mostly hang in the center of the tank, lots of activity… I’m going to move them to my empty tank, as soon as I get it emptied out, and sterilized… they have been gracious towards the Hillstream’s, but are too big for this morning’s activity level, and their limited space in this tank, with the hard scape
Reading on Seriously Fish, seems to indicate the larger, as likely female… there was much discussion a couple years ago, as to how big these will get, and what exact species they are.. mine are currently sexually mature at 8 to 10 inches, and I’ve never seen them eat a small fish, even at 1/2 inch, the baby panda Garras would steal food from them, without becoming a meal… too skittish and large growing, IMO, to use as a dither fish ( most often the reason they are kept ) I have 5 of them, most often 6 is listed as the smallest group… I think 5 was fine, but I certainly wouldn’t do less than that… they are an interesting fish, that deserve their own tank again…
These are often grown for food in their native areas… females can lay 1000’s of eggs… so breeding is pretty much discouraged… but I raise Tilapia for food, in outside tanks, for grow out, but are bred indoors… Tin Foils are a cooler water fish, and more conductive to my outdoor temperatures longer, before winter comes, and they would have to be harvested by… they might make an interesting farm project down the road, if spawning activity continues…
Reading on Seriously Fish, seems to indicate the larger, as likely female… there was much discussion a couple years ago, as to how big these will get, and what exact species they are.. mine are currently sexually mature at 8 to 10 inches, and I’ve never seen them eat a small fish, even at 1/2 inch, the baby panda Garras would steal food from them, without becoming a meal… too skittish and large growing, IMO, to use as a dither fish ( most often the reason they are kept ) I have 5 of them, most often 6 is listed as the smallest group… I think 5 was fine, but I certainly wouldn’t do less than that… they are an interesting fish, that deserve their own tank again…
Many years ago I had a few in a community tank. At about 4" they got their own tank after they started eating my zebras, so they likely will eat smaller tank mates eventually.
Put them in a pond and breed them while you can. If you wait, something could happen and then you won't be able to breed them.

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