Time To Say Good Bye


Mar 9, 2008
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Time to say good bye :-(

Well after yet another wipe out I have decided enough is enough
{And so has SWMBO :flex: £££ down the drain}

Two days ago I had a bacteria bloom and my tank was a white out, you could not even see the live rock it was like fog! :huh: So I changed 15 gallon of water and stuff my sump compartment with filter floss and waked on a second skimmer in an attempt to combat the effects but unfortunately to no avail :( . I have lost mushrooms, rics, hammer, frog spawn, trumpet, sps, zoa,s and my 12 inch RBTA I am absolutely gutted!! :sick:
The tank has still not cleared with two skimmers running flat out in the sump compartment and the remainder of the corals don’t look to happy ether :no: I must have lost well over £600 worth or corals so far and it does not look like it is over yet :sick: :sick:
So like I say it’s time for me to go and leave the salty side, xmass is just around the corner and I don’t have the time, cash, or hart to pull back from this, this time around so I have decided to break down the tank and go back to trop,s :sick: :-(

So without further a do I would like to say a big thank you to everyone on the salty side for all your help and for making it such a friendly place to post THANK YOU!!! :thanks:
Regards john,o

:byebye: every one on the salty side hope to catch some of you over on the trop side of the forum!!!!!
NO DONT GIVE UP!!!! :shout:
you must be able to salvage something
if you still got your living rock
and all the other critters
wait till it settles i used to
find when i used to keep fish only
i used to get a big bloom after
doing a water change just give it
time and see if you can make the best
of a bad thing this bloom might have been
caused by something dieing off like one
of the corals reassess after the water as cleared

good luck the biffster :good:
Thanks for the kind words biffster. :good:
I believe the “bloom” was caused by my bio pellet reactor, the pump became blocked which cheto and the pellets stopped fluidising {cant of been for any more than 12 hr, s while I was at work} when I noticed it I unblocked the pipe work and there was a big rush of water into the reactor and the water in the reactor went yellow and was released into the sump before I had time to knock the valve back off :crazy: and I believe this is where the problems started. Depleted oxygen ect ect :sad:
Thanks for the kind words biffster. :good:
I believe the “bloom” was caused by my bio pellet reactor, the pump became blocked which cheto and the pellets stopped fluidising {cant of been for any more than 12 hr, s while I was at work} when I noticed it I unblocked the pipe work and there was a big rush of water into the reactor and the water in the reactor went yellow and was released into the sump before I had time to knock the valve back off :crazy: and I believe this is where the problems started. Depleted oxygen ect ect :sad:

i don't know what to say
all that devastation from
one blocked pipe its so bloody
upsetting let me know how you get
on give it time i am only just starting
out in the salty side with the living rock
and stuff the next step is a 3x18x18 with
a sump i am the one how as the micro reef
i put my cuc yesterday i am routing for you
Sorry to hear ot pal, have you thought about going fish only for a while? You can get some different onesif your not having a reef?

If you decide to scrap the salt I wish you good luck for the future.
thats tragic and my biggest fear... sorry to hear it pal

good suggestion the fish only one though you could keep rock and tank running add a couple of cheap fish like a damsel, firefish, blenny etc and over time get frrebies or cheap frags and build back up :good:
thats tragic and my biggest fear... sorry to hear it pal

good suggestion the fish only one though you could keep rock and tank running add a couple of cheap fish like a damsel, firefish, blenny etc and over time get frrebies or cheap frags and build back up :good:

This is a good idea, I'm only just about to start out and fear a wipeout but as simonas has said you can get freebies and frags and all will be good again!
Thanks for the kind words there very much appreciated :good:

Some of the local guys from around me have help out today by mixing up some water for me, we have changed 25 gallon today and I currently have to big skimmers in the sump pulling out the crud, and the tank has 2 large air stones in trying to replenish the oxygen which I think has been the main cause of the coral loss, basically low oxygen high Co2 which in turn has effected the Ph and the corals have been burnt I think? :crazy: “I am still trying to get my head around this one”

Sorry to hear ot pal, have you thought about going fish only for a while? You can get some different onesif your not having a reef?

If you decide to scrap the salt I wish you good luck for the future.

yes that’s always a possibility as none of the fish have been effected by this , but then again the reason why I am in this side of the hobby is for the beauty of the corals I don’t really have as much interest in the fish there more of a second though if that makes sense :unsure:
Umm I just don’t know like I say with xmass just around the corner and work commitments at the moment I just don’t have the time or available ££ to spend to tern this one around. hopefully if I can save the remaining corals I can pass them on to my fellow refers that have help me out then once into the new year I can start a fresh with some frags off the corals I past on :good:
“at the min I just don’t know to be honest as I have had a complete gut full of the hobby :sick:
Thanks again john
would you like some xenia :) i think leaving it in th sun then incinerating it is the only way to actually kill the stuff
Oh John don't give up yet - I think the fish only idea is a good one, along with replacing your gorgeous RBTA. I must admit, I can live without the coral but my bubbletips, if anything happened to them :crazy:

Hard corals are just so darn expensive and stressful, i'm not sure if they are worth it :blink: Ive been toying with the idea of going back to a softy tank, less money and no stress or loads of nems, now thats top of my list at the moment.

Seffie x
It was the same thing that pushed me to go tropical..

Honestly, marine is far too much hard work.

I'll see you on the trop side, where my daily chores became weekly chores, and life is so much more relaxed.
mate dont give up

if anything go softies! let them grow huge and it will look equally as stunning as any hard coral reef. less light, less water changes = less bills! you can get softies for next to nothing aswel off other reefers

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