Time To Play Id The Cat


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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I figured that even if the max size I was told was wrong, I can keep it up to twice the size it is now and if not, there's plenty of large tanks near me. Anyway.


looks like a very badly beaten up midnight cat Auchenipterichthys thoracatus
perhaps CFC could confirm that?
This is a picture of my Pearl catfish. I can't tell if they are similar or not. :/
Similar but the colour is a bit off as is the 'roundness'... Getting closer though. What do you think of http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/speci...?species_id=788
as a match? Common names fit, although as mentioned, mine is very rounded for any type on Mystus... We shall have to wait for someone better at fish ID and for fins to grow back.

EDIT- However, I have a nasty feeling it may be a Mystus gulio.
Its not a Mystus gulio, the adipose fin is too long.

I would be inclined to go with Mystus castaneus myself, the prominant lateral line and pearling behind the gill plates match though the over all colour doesnt, but that could change as the fish settles in. From some reading it "could" be a Mystus armatus, but this is a previously rarely imported fish, however there have been a lot of Indian fish coming into the trade recently as collectors have been traveling further and further into southern india.

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