Time For My Clean Up Crew


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
Birmingham UK
Hey everyone

So my 8 gallon nano has been set up for nearly 2 weeks now and algae is now starting to appear.

My reading are
PH 8.2
Ammonia .25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5

I will do my first water change later today at 25%

I am now thinking about my clean up crew and have decided on the following

2 Nassarius snails
2 Astraea Snails
1 Scarlet hermet crab
1 Blue legged hermet crab
1 Skunk cleaner shrimp

Is this a decent crew and if so in what order should I add them?


NO!! clean up crew until you have had no ammonia for at least a week if you want everything to live :)
And shrimps are very sensertive and sould only be added about the time you add your fish. Otherwise you will kill them also.
no, you havent even gotten to the second part of cycling, no fish, not cleanup crew, and no corals until you are done cycling.
Whoa, calm down guy's, I said I was thinking about my clean up crew, you know forward thinking and all that jazz. I know I cant add them yet untill my algea break out and all my parameters are at 0 I'm just looking towards the next step.

So if anyone can comment on my planned crew that will be great and most appreciated.

Thank you
Its the title..lol
Ready for my clean up crew..lol Your not..lol
That sounds OK and all can be added at the same time with the exception of the shrimp that should go in with the fish.
Just make sure you do the intro slowly using a drip method. Snails particually can really suffer if added too quickly.

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