Time For Fish ?


New Member
Apr 18, 2006
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Hi, my tank's been cycling with ammonia for the last 8 days, and now my levels look good:

Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 3

Now is all I need to do carry out a 50% water change, and then i can add fish?

8 days seems a bit quick to me? did you clone your tank or add media from another tank or the like.

try add more ammoina and see how fast the levels get back to 0 as i think 8 days is really quick. what test kits are you using?

have you had an ammonina then a nitrite then a nitrate spike yet?

and have you been keeping ammoina at 5ppm? everyday
What worries me is not just the short cycling time (mine cycled in 10 days), but the low nitrates. A tank that has only just cycled should have a much higher nitrate reading. And how can you measure 3 ppm of nitrates anyway? Most kits go from 0 to 10 or 20 ppm in one leap.
In answer to questions, yep I did do have some gravel in the tank from an already cycled tank.

The reason why the nitrate reading might be so low is probably because i have lossed my ammonia colour chart from the Aquarium Pharmaceuticals freshwater master test kit. So i had to try and compare it against a picture on the internet, and couldnt really see what it was.

I've checked again, and its more like 10-15ppm with the nitrates.

I have just carried out a 40-50% water change

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